


We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.

My husband and I are a young, growing, Christian, military family. My husband is a Captain in The United States Marine Corps. I am a former Elementary school teacher. We are first time parents to a beautiful little two year old boy, with twin boys on the way! I am a stay at home Marine wife, who loves to bake, cook, sew and craft! I enjoy being a Domestic Engineer. The purpose of this blog is to document the story of our life and adventures as they take place.

We are honored to be serving our country and ask for prayer in our upcoming adventures. We have been blessed tremendously, and thank God everyday for all he has given us!




Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Three Sons

I am somewhat caught-up with my duties this afternoon, which is why I have a free minute to FINALLY sit-down and blog about those three little men that you see in the picture above. Those three boys have stolen my heart and added a light to my life that is indescribable! While I was in the hospital, I had a handful of truly wonderful nurses. One nurse in particular was named Bucket, I don't know if this was a pet-name, or one of those fun, wealthy people nick-names like Muffy or Buffy. Bucket thought it was just the best thing in the whole world that I now have three sons. In fact, every time Bucket walked into my hospital room, she would start humming or singing the theme song to the popular 1960's television show, "My Three Sons". 

So of course, I googled the show and have been watching old episodes on you tube just for fun! My Three Sons is the title of my post for today, because it is kinda the theme of my life these days! Growing-up, I never really thought that I would be a "Boy Mom". It's not that I didn't see myself having sons, it's just that I have always been so girly and frilly and a lover of anything pink kind-of-girl, that I just assumed that I would naturally have little girls who wold love, and be interested in all the same sort of things. I never really thought about dump-trucks, fire trucks, anything trucks really! Legos, blocks, pirates, super heroes, jumping in mud puddles or building cool forts; hadn't been in my imagination... and yet now, all of these kinds of things are all I can think about! I am honored that the Lord chose me and Rich to raise three little boys into men! It is at times, a bit overwhelming and there have been days where I have just started crying, because I don't want to fail, then there are days where I am so excited and thrilled at the possibility of raising Christian leaders for the next generation. I am so thankful to be the Mama of my three sons. Rich and I take our responsibility very seriously. 

Our first week home has been a doosey! Thank goodness for my Mom... Gigi has come to the rescue many times this week for our family. We officially moved into our house last week when I arrived home from the hospital after having the boys. We are still in the process of painting our kitchen along with the outside of the house, but those are just a few minor cosmetic details. The bones of the house are complete and the rooms are decorated and functional. Well, at the beginning of this week, we ran into a bit of a plumbing problem... causing us to not have the ability to use our toilets, showers or washer/dryer for a few days. We found ourselves back at my parents for a couple of days while my Dad and the plumber worked on the problem, which as of last night, is now fixed! Just as all of these plumbing problems came about, the city we live in had a power outage which lasted most of the evening! Something I am learning about having twin infants is that I will probably NEVER be caught-up on laundry again! Ha ha! my boys are so tiny and yet they seem to go through at least eight to ten wardrobe changes in a day and diapers seem to never not need changing, In one day we go through at least twenty to twenty five diapers a day and sometimes more when we put Pull-Up's on Mr. Robbie during the evenings! In all of this, I am so grateful! I love my three sons! I am a blessed woman to have three healthy boys and a safe, warm home. As you probably can tell, this is why I have not really had a chance to sit down and blog over these past two weeks since giving birth to my two little, adorable sweet peas! Right now all three boys are sound asleep napping and I have a free minute to post Joseph and Jacob's birthday story! 

To My Favorite Twins! 

Joseph & Jacob's Birthday Story
Part One 

Let's start our story at the beginning. In the afternoon of Tuesday, March 11th, 2014, I was scheduled to have yet another NST ( Non Stress Test) at the hospital. My test went beautifully. The doctor asked that I wait in the hospital after the test, so she could check my progression and see how far I was dilated. Sure enough, I was already dilated to 6 cm riding very close to 7 and 100 % effaced. My doctor told me that today would be the day I would meet my precious boys! I was having my NST test done at a nearby hospital which was not the hospital I had been planning on delivering my babies at. My doctor told me to meet her at the hospital in one hour, so they would have time to admit me and get me prepped and ready for my c-section. Rich and I quickly drove home, grabbed our packed bags, left Robbie with my Mom and Dad and told both sets of Grandparents and my Aunt Becky to meet us at the hospital as soon as possible. It was now almost 5:30 p.m and they wanted to start my c-section at 8:00 p.m. We had to move quickly, but not too quickly because my doctor had explained that my water was ready to burst and my contractions were already 6 minutes apart. 

When we finally arrived at the hospital, I was having stronger contractions that were now around 5 minutes apart and the pain was definitely there, but I could bare this and push through... after all, I am a Marine wife... "pain is weakness leaving the body". I was excited, because I knew with each contraction, I was that much closer to meeting my two little twin boys. Finally, after being pricked and poked and hooked-up to two different IV's, drinking a horrible tummy gastric prep drink to help me not get sick on the operating table, it was close to 8:30 now and I was making the long walk down the maternity ward hallway into the Operating Room to receive my spinal block. The surgery would start soon now and my contractions were right around two minutes apart. The pain was intense and I honestly couldn't wait to get that spinal block! 

Once we were in the Operating room and my c-section had started, all I could do was pray for my two little boys. I begged God to let me hear them cry, that was all I wanted... I wanted to hear the doctors say you have two healthy baby boys Sarah! After all these long months filled with a lot of hope, faith, prayer and a little anxiety from several scares and complications along the way, this was it! I was going to meet these two precious little boys who for 35 weeks have kicked me and shared a home in my tummy. These beautiful little creations of God were here! As I looked over at Rich, who was absolutely beaming, I heard the doctors say; " Okay Sarah, this is it, you are going to feel a lot of tugging and pressure as we take out baby A.  Seconds later I heard him cry, that precious sound I had been waiting for... I looked over at Rich with tears of joy and relief streaming down my face I said; "he is here... our Joseph is here" ! 

Almost immediately, Rich ran over to see our little Joey. Then, a second later, I heard the doctors say; "okay Mommy, you're doing great... now let's meet little Jacob, baby B". Again, with a tug and a pull and tons of pressure, I heard a second wonderful baby cry! Jacob was here!!!! I just couldn't wrap my brain around it all! I was so blessed and I knew I didn't deserve any of it. These babies were a gift from the Lord, because He is good and miraculous ! 
My heart was full, my twins were here and life was good! 

Going into this C-section, my wonderful doctor and her sister, who is also an OB; warned me of some of the complications that might arise due to it being a twin birth. I knew going in that I had three huge obstacles to overcome. One and two both had to do with the babies health, because they were not yet full term and still as considered to be around 35 weeks. Third, I knew that the possibility of a full Hysterectomy might take place during the c-section depending on the condition of my uterus after the babies had been removed. 
Thankfully, all three obstacles turned out well for us and just as my doctors had hoped, healthy babies, with few complications! ( more on that in tomorrow's post) and no hysterectomy for me! In fact, the doctor said my uterus was in better shape than ever and more children are definitely possible! We put it all in the Lord's hands! I had the opportunity to pray with my Mom before we left for the hospital along with my husband and my sweet little boy, who laid hands on my very pregnant tummy. 

I am so thankful for these two guys in the picture below. They were so wonderful during this whole process. 

Rich running out to tell Robbie he just became a big brother, right after the twins were born! 

More on Joey & Jake's Birthday story tomorrow in Part two! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our Life Lately....

Happy Thursday, here is the last post I wrote before delivering the twins. I wrote this the day before I had Joey and Jake. With all the surprise and excitement, I never had a chance to post it. So let's throwback this Thursday to a little over a week ago!
Well friends, life has been quite busy, (to say the least), around here lately! Last Friday, I had my 36 week doctor appointment along with another NST, (Non-Stress Test). Both baby boys looked great and were active and healthy. The doctor estimated that they now weigh over 6 1/2 lbs. times that by two, plus each placenta weighs around 2 lbs. plus the amniotic fluid weighs around 2 lbs. each, and then don't forget the uterine enlargement weight of around 3 lbs. that is a grand total of 24 lbs. in my VERY pregnant tummy! Whew!
 My doctor checked my progression on Friday and discovered I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced!!!! My sweet doctor guessed that these little guys would naturally cause me to go into labor on their own within the next three to five days... that was three days ago, so now we sit and wait!! I am scheduled for another NST tomorrow afternoon and maybe we will have a little more information on how much more I have dilated and just when these little guys will be making their grand arrival! I will be 37 weeks this Thursday... thank you friends for all of your continued prayers! Things are getting BIG and cramped and I'm not sure how much longer my tummy will hold out before having these little guys?!
We Joined The Minivan Club ... We Officially Are Grown-Ups !

I am so excited, because.... we bought a mini van on Saturday !!! I love it and what is even more surprising, is that my husband LOVES the van!!!! That's right... remember my husband? Mr. I don't want a mini van ever!!! Well, now he is rocking the Vantasy! How we found this van is such a blessing from God. We were in the market for a used minivan ... we had decided on a Honda Odyssey or a Toyota Sienna. I happened to be shopping at the grocery store in our home town when I discovered that I had parked right next to a beautiful Honda Odyssey that was for sale by the original owners! I immediately grabbed my cell phone and gave the owners a call. They told me they were the original owners and the van had very little millage on it. I set-up a time to meet with them that afternoon. Once we drove-up to meet the owners of the van, I immediately recognized them! I had been their son's third grade teacher back in 2007!!! What are the chances? We started chatting and reminiscing about old times. We ended-up purchasing the van from them for a reasonable price, we paid cash and are very happy that we now own the car outright. Things are good! We had prayed for the Lord to bring us the right car in his timing and once again, HE more than answered our prayers!

 So this is pretty much our life now... three car seats, two diaper bags ...
 ... and thank goodness for the DVD player!! :)
 Robbie loves, "his new minivan" and right away welcomed it into our family by spilling fishy crackers. Ha ha I am sure the first of many spills that this car will receive from our boys over the next few years! :) 
Back to the present. Well friends, I will leave you today with a picture of Joseph and Jacob! Welcome to our family boys! Your Mama is the crazy lady with the camera who documents EVERYTHING! We love you and we prayed for you! :)
Pleased To Meet You ...
Joseph Michael Christensen
( Older Brother By One Minute)

Jacob Jonathan Christensen
(Baby Brother)

My Boys Are Here!!!

Guess What ?
Here I am around 35/ 36 weeks, ( picture taken on 3/11/14) .This is the last picture I took while still pregnant with the twins, just before heading into the operating room before my C-section. I was already well into labor, 6 cm dilated and having contractions every 2 minutes. So this smile is a happy one, but a little forced through the pain. :)
Our Twins are here!!! After months of anticipation and LOTS of prayer... we give God all the glory! Our beautiful, healthy baby boys have arrived! Joseph Michael and Jacob Jonathan came into the world last week, on the evening of Tuesday, March 11th at 9:58 p.m and 9:59 p.m ! I am completely in love with my new boys and our family of five feels so right! I love having these three little men in my life and I pray that I will be an example of a Godly woman, wife and mother in their lives.

Life has been non- stop GO, GO, GO for us this past week. I have tons of photos along with the twins birth story , which I will be posting soon! :) We are a little sleep deprived and very busy with diapers, onesies, bottles and more... but we are thrilled! Children are a blessing from the Lord! Thank you friends for all of your prayers! :)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rainy Day Happenings...

... We love cold, rainy, gray, snuggly Saturday's around here! It is the kind of Saturday that begs to be a  Pajama day... which is just fine with me! We have been painting and playing all morning!

Above you have Mr. Robert's "Firetruck". 

In fact, it has been quite rainy here in Southern California... which is a good thing, because we desperately needed it! Due to some of the recent wildfires in our area... along with flash flood warnings, some streets in our city have been forced to a mandatory evacuation because of the concern of mudslides. Luckily, both my parent's home and ours, (which are both at the base of the Foothills),  have not been evacuated. We have however enjoyed many walks in the rain with one little boy who loves to put on his boots and jump in mud puddles!

Twin Update 

Yesterday, I had another doctor appointment for the twins as well as my second NST (Non-Stress Test). The babies looked wonderful! Joey, (who is head down on the right side of my body), was not as cooperative as Jacob. After eating a candy bar, drinking a little ice water and having the nurse ring a loud buzzer next to my tummy, we woke my little sleepy guy up and got that spike in heart rate that we needed. The doctor said the boys are each around 6 lbs at this point, if not a little over and that I am carrying over...  ...12 pounds of  BABY!!!! Whew... just typing that out exhausts me. ha ha! This weight doesn't even include placentas or water, but we are hanging on and thanking God every minute along the way ;) . My doctor expressed that she would love to see me make it another two weeks or so, but she is thinking my water will break before then and I will naturally go into labor on my own. So now, we wait... and wait... everyone keeps watching me like a ticking time bomb. I am 35 weeks as of  this past Thursday and feeling as if I am 45 weeks!

Little Buttons Embroidery

My dear friend Lisa, a fellow military (Air Force) wife  has started a business with her Mom called,
 Little Buttons Embroidery! I am a fan and I just love their products!
Below is a photo of Lisa and me at a lunch with our Bible Study group of ladies back in 2010! 

Lisa is a devoted Air Force wife and loving mother to two little cuties!!

About a week ago, I ordered this adorable monogrammed make-up case from Lisa at Little Buttons. This morning it arrived in the mail and just in time, as I am packing my hospital bags! 

Here is my beautiful new cosmetic case! 

Lots of space and made so well! Notice my initials, so beautifully done.

Lisa was so thoughtful by gifting me with these two adorable burp cloths for the twins! 

I can think of so many times when I have been invited to a baby shower and have wanted to give a unique gift that the mommy to be would just love. Well, Little Buttons has everything you can imagine to make your baby gift one of a kind! Her prices are so reasonable and the products are well made! I cannot express enough, just how great it is receiving something personal as a gift. Just look at some of their adorable products...

Levi burpes

Reindeer Applique Tee



So WHAT are YOU waiting for??? Check out Little Buttons Embroidery  today by clicking on the link. 

... I am trying to get completely organized for this trip to the hospital/ twin delivery! 
I had a burst of energy this week and washed all of my preemie and newborn clothes, made a huge $300 shopping trip to Target and got to packing our bags for the hospital! 

Gathering everything...

Organizing and sorting...

... I decided it would be best and probably easiest to label and place/categorize the freshly washed Preemie and Newborn clothes into large one gallon size zip-lock bags. Because I am not completely sure of just how large or small the boys will be when they are born...I have packed three preemie outfits for both Joey and Jake as well as three newborn size outfits for each of them. I also packed a total of four receiving blankets, ( two for each baby), along with pacifiers, my breast pump, lots, and I do mean LOTS of diapers, wipes, socks and beanies! 

Packing For Robbie ...

My Mom and Dad will be keeping Robbie while I spend a few nights in the hospital after having the twins. Robbie has been around them while we have been renovating our house. He is quite used to the idea of spending time, and snuggling with Gigi and playing with Grandpa Ray. I feel at ease knowing my little guy will be well taken care of while I am away. This will be Robbie's first time ever spending a night away from me. I know he is in good hands! In my attempt to make things a little easier on my Mom, I have packed several complete outfits and P.J's for Robbie to wear while I am in the hospital. Robbie received about five or six different "Big Brother" shirts and so, I have paired them with different pants and shorts to complete an outfit for each day that I am away. :)

I have also packed Robbie's diaper bag with an extra change of clothes, underwear, Pull-ups, wipes, snacks, DVD player, movies, juice boxes, sweater, crayons, coloring books, toy trucks, books and my Kindle... all to keep my active little guy busy, ( and to keep Gigi's sanity),  while waiting to meet his new brothers! 

I found these fun busy bag ideas for toddlers on Pinterest... let's just say I might be making a trip to my craft store tomorrow to make some of these cute busy activities. 

So here we are, all packed and ready to go, should I go into labor. I feel as if a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders now that we are packed and ready... now we just need to get those car seats in our car this weekend and I will be one happy pregnant lady! :) 

If you are expecting, here is a hospital packing list I stumbled upon. 

Hospital Bag Packing List

I am off to bed and so excited for tomorrow's Academy Awards Show!
Blessings and if you live in Southern California, STAY DRY!

Baby Slings at Nurtured Family