I just love the Christmas Season, the smells, the sights and warm fuzzy feelings! I honor my husband's Christmas Carol rule, but I am still going to share a Christmas idea with you all today. This way you have plenty of time to start thinking about it. . . It's all about being kind this Christmas!

My husband and I are hosting Christmas at our home this year for our two combined families, this means we could have quite a large crowd of 20 or more people! I am so excited because I love to cook, decorate and make others feel special! The other night, Rich and I were planning and accounting for how many of us will be attending Christmas and where we will put the tree and so on. We started talking about Christmas gifts and how commercialized the holiday has become( insert Charlie Brown Christmas story here)! Rich and I were saying how there is nothing we need or want. We are blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy, a loving family, a warm home and food on our table. We both came to the agreement of doing and giving to others who TRULY need it this Christmas. After all, Christmas is about the birth of our Savior. What would Jesus want us to do?

25 Acts of Random Kindness Ideas
Don't forget to it the full screen button above to view this list! :)
Have a blessed day!

What a wonderful idea! I will definitely check this list out. I'd love to participate. :)
I will participate!
I try to do this every day. Getting in the habit refreshes us to want to do it.
I hope participants will journal what they do so we can share in their joy!
I remember when you were in college, Sarah, and you were at Mac Donalds and you paid for meals for the 3 cars behind you. You were thrilled watching their reactions. You came home so excited telling me all about making people happy. It truly is far better to give than to receive. I also remember the Christmas I told you, you could get Teddy Rupskin tapes and you said you wanted to buy a turkey and a tree for a family you went to school with instead. We did just that. On the way home you and I sang; Tis the season to be jolly, and we meant it, we were so happy! I never bought you your tapes, and you survived. I love you, and I cannot wait for December 1st. to start.
Love you, Mom Robin
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