I'm back... with two posts in one day....scandalous.... I know. It's nap time once again and I just had to finish blogging about the other exciting part of our weekend before my little man wakes up from is nap and we head out for our afternoon walk. On Sunday, (after a long, fun day with family and friends from Saturday's baby Dedication), Robbie took his first bite ( well more like slurps ) of baby rice cereal! A milestone in our house for sure!!! Being a proud new mama.... I documented every second!! ha :)
We started Robbie off on Gerber Baby Rice Cereal. Here is our Before picture.

I love how Rich and I are happily posing for Grandma and Grandpa in this picture, totally unaware of Robbie's busy little hands.

Then... REALITY sets in!!!!

Well, let me tell you.... Robert LOVED every second of eating rice cereal!!!!
He gobbled it right up!

First Daddy fed me.

Then Mommy fed me.

Then Grandma Robin fed me.
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