


We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.

My husband and I are a young, growing, Christian, military family. My husband is a Captain in The United States Marine Corps. I am a former Elementary school teacher. We are first time parents to a beautiful little two year old boy, with twin boys on the way! I am a stay at home Marine wife, who loves to bake, cook, sew and craft! I enjoy being a Domestic Engineer. The purpose of this blog is to document the story of our life and adventures as they take place.

We are honored to be serving our country and ask for prayer in our upcoming adventures. We have been blessed tremendously, and thank God everyday for all he has given us!




Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our First Outing Alone

Today Robert and I went on our first outing. We were totally alone no Daddy or Grandma to help. I was a little nervous because I had my six week postpartum checkup today. I was concerned how I would manage the baby during my exam. Well, I decide to feed Robert well and make him stay awake until we got into the car to go to the doctor's office ( thinking he would fall asleep in the car like he always does). Boy was I wrong!! I'm not one of those Moms who thinks my child is perfect. Let's face it no one is! We arrived at the doctor's office and Robert was still in good spirits smiling and cooing. I was so proud, I wanted the doctors and nurses to see how well behaved my little guy is. Afterall they did help me take care of him and get him here safely. As soon as we walked into the office he started a nervous small cry. I tried to settle him down in the waiting room with his Binky. Well, his sweet little whimper grew to a cry and the nurse told me she would setup a room for me to nurse Robert in. I thanked her went to the room nursed Robert and waited for the doctor to come in. I was not going to see Doctor Kong, the doctor who delivered Robert because she is on maternity leave. Doctor Kong just had a baby girl.

So, I finish nursing, set Robert back in his car seat and he started crying again! I tried my best to hush him once more. So there I was in a hospital gown cooing, smiling and making a complete fool of myself to get this little man to smile and stop crying. As soon as Doctor Johnson walked in Robert quit crying spit out his Binky and gave her a HUGE smile and coo!! Doctor Johnson went on and on about what a happy, smiley and alert baby Robert was. We start the exam. Now ladies we all know how those are no fun! In the middle of it Robert started to get fussy and at this point I'm really wishing I would have let him have his morning nap. Sweet doctor Johnson stops the exam takes off her gloves, washes her hands and picks Robert up loving on him and getting him to coo and smile! All I can say is I LOVE her and I love this practice of doctors! Most doctors wouldn't take the time to be so kind. Robert went back in his car seat and we finished my exam. Wouldn't you know the minute Doctor Johnson left the room and as I began to get dressed guess who fell asleep??? Robert!! Great timing kiddo. Oh well live and learn! :)

Below is a picture of Robert and Daddy in Daddy's office.

After the doctor's office Robert and I had lunch (meaning I ate he nursed). Later in the afternoon we went to visit Daddy at his office on base and we even met his Colonel! Robert's first day on base and he's already making friends in high places! ;) It was a long day! Now, it's dinner bath and bed for Robert and Rich and I are settling in to watch The Voice! Goodnight everyone! :)

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Ria Tuason said...
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