Good morning readers!
Today I'm linking up with Kelly at for her Show Us Your Life Showcase. Today's topic is "How Do You Stay Organized ?"
Well, to answer this I thought I would share and re-post my household organization routine from a previous post. Here are just some of the ways I try to stay organized in my home.
A few posts back I wrote about the "Fly Lady" click here for that post:
One of the first steps is to establish a weekly Schedule and Menu plan. I am so proud to finally have mine completed. Thought I would share. Now all I have to do is try to stick to it! :)
Sarah’s Basic Weekly Plan
Monday: Weekly Home Blessing (8:00 am-9:00am)/ Linen Zone
1. Get up and Dress to Shoes
2. Laundry –
~ Wash all Whites/ Delicates
~ Wash and Change All Bedding
~ Wash and Change All Towels
3. Weekly Home Blessing Hour
a. Change Sheets
b. Empty All Trashes
c. Vacuum All Rooms
Tuesday: Laundry Zone and Kitchen Zone
1. Water All Plants
2. Laundry-
a. Wash All Rich’s Clothes
3. Kitchen Zone (Clean Whole Kitchen)
a. ~ Microwave, Walls, Stove, Fridge, Mop, Replace Foil on Drip Pans, Clean Appliances, Wash Area Rugs.
Wednesday: Living Room/ Dining Room Zone Clean and Partial Desk Time
1. Laundry-
a. Wash All Sarah’s Clothes
2. Living Room Zone Clean Up-
a. Vacuum under couch cushions
b. Vacuum under couches
c. Wash Walls
d. Dust
e. Wash Windows
3. Partial Desk Time-
a. Write thank-you notes
b. Work on planning Menu and Grocery List for the next week.
c. Balance Checkbook and Bills before shopping
Thursday: Bedroom Zone C lean and Bathroom Zone Deep Clean
1. Bedroom Zone Clean Up-
a. Master Bedroom
~ Clean mirror
~ Vacuum Carpet
~ Dust
~ Sheets were already changed on Monday so Check.
b. Guest Bedroom/ Office Zone Clean Up
~ Clean mirror
~ Vacuum Carpet
~ Dust
~ Sheets were already changed on Monday so Check.
~ Dust Computer and Desk
C. Bathrooms Zone Master and Guest
~ Polish Mirrors
~ Empty Trash
~ Mop Floors
~ Scrub Sink, Tub, Toilet
~ Change/ Replenish ALL Toilet Paper, Tissues
Friday: Paperwork and Errand Day
1. Grocery Shopping Day
2. Clean out car , Vacuum and Wash
3. Clean out Purse
4. Clean up Laundry Room
5. File Papers
6. Pay Bills Online
7. Go to Dry Cleaners on Base ( Rich’s Uniforms)
Friday: “Date Night”, Saturday-: Family Day, Sunday: church
Weekly Menu Plan
I have added our Dinner theme along with Rich's Lunch
Lunch: Sandwich(Turkey)
Dinner: Italian Night
Lunch: Left Over Italian
Dinner: Mexican Night
Lunch: Left Over Mexican
Dinner: Simple Crock Pot Meal
Lunch: Buy Lunch
Dinner: American
Lunch: Sandwich
Dinner: Date Night/ Pizza or Date Night Make A Meal
Lunch: Mac & Cheese
Dinner: Surprise Saturday ( We never know if we will be out)
Lunch: Brunch/ Lunch after Church
Dinner: Crock pot Meal
Today I'm linking up with Kelly at for her Show Us Your Life Showcase. Today's topic is "How Do You Stay Organized ?"
Well, to answer this I thought I would share and re-post my household organization routine from a previous post. Here are just some of the ways I try to stay organized in my home.
A few posts back I wrote about the "Fly Lady" click here for that post:
One of the first steps is to establish a weekly Schedule and Menu plan. I am so proud to finally have mine completed. Thought I would share. Now all I have to do is try to stick to it! :)
Sarah’s Basic Weekly Plan
Monday: Weekly Home Blessing (8:00 am-9:00am)/ Linen Zone
1. Get up and Dress to Shoes
2. Laundry –
~ Wash all Whites/ Delicates
~ Wash and Change All Bedding
~ Wash and Change All Towels
3. Weekly Home Blessing Hour
a. Change Sheets
b. Empty All Trashes
c. Vacuum All Rooms
Tuesday: Laundry Zone and Kitchen Zone
1. Water All Plants
2. Laundry-
a. Wash All Rich’s Clothes
3. Kitchen Zone (Clean Whole Kitchen)
a. ~ Microwave, Walls, Stove, Fridge, Mop, Replace Foil on Drip Pans, Clean Appliances, Wash Area Rugs.
Wednesday: Living Room/ Dining Room Zone Clean and Partial Desk Time
1. Laundry-
a. Wash All Sarah’s Clothes
2. Living Room Zone Clean Up-
a. Vacuum under couch cushions
b. Vacuum under couches
c. Wash Walls
d. Dust
e. Wash Windows
3. Partial Desk Time-
a. Write thank-you notes
b. Work on planning Menu and Grocery List for the next week.
c. Balance Checkbook and Bills before shopping
Thursday: Bedroom Zone C lean and Bathroom Zone Deep Clean
1. Bedroom Zone Clean Up-
a. Master Bedroom
~ Clean mirror
~ Vacuum Carpet
~ Dust
~ Sheets were already changed on Monday so Check.
b. Guest Bedroom/ Office Zone Clean Up
~ Clean mirror
~ Vacuum Carpet
~ Dust
~ Sheets were already changed on Monday so Check.
~ Dust Computer and Desk
C. Bathrooms Zone Master and Guest
~ Polish Mirrors
~ Empty Trash
~ Mop Floors
~ Scrub Sink, Tub, Toilet
~ Change/ Replenish ALL Toilet Paper, Tissues
Friday: Paperwork and Errand Day
1. Grocery Shopping Day
2. Clean out car , Vacuum and Wash
3. Clean out Purse
4. Clean up Laundry Room
5. File Papers
6. Pay Bills Online
7. Go to Dry Cleaners on Base ( Rich’s Uniforms)
Friday: “Date Night”, Saturday-: Family Day, Sunday: church
Weekly Menu Plan
I have added our Dinner theme along with Rich's Lunch
Lunch: Sandwich(Turkey)
Dinner: Italian Night
Lunch: Left Over Italian
Dinner: Mexican Night
Lunch: Left Over Mexican
Dinner: Simple Crock Pot Meal
Lunch: Buy Lunch
Dinner: American
Lunch: Sandwich
Dinner: Date Night/ Pizza or Date Night Make A Meal
Lunch: Mac & Cheese
Dinner: Surprise Saturday ( We never know if we will be out)
Lunch: Brunch/ Lunch after Church
Dinner: Crock pot Meal
Make A Menu Board To Keep Your Meals Organized

Here is a fun way to plan and organize your meals .
I just made this cute menu planning whiteboard to hang in my kitchen. I have always used a whiteboard to write out what we are having for dinner each night of the week. I stumbled upon this particular idea and I think it is a much more stylish way to display our weekly menu. It was easy to make and looks great in my kitchen! I love this project idea because I have used scrapbook paper which can be changed for different holidays, events or even a change of kitchen decor! :)
Having Trouble Planning Your Weekly Menu?
Check out my blog post on meal planning tips and ideas on creating your weekly plan!
Instructions for making your own Meal Plan Whiteboard:
I used a picture frame.
Instructions for making your own Meal Plan Whiteboard:
I used a picture frame.
I opened the glass and placed inside scrapbook paper.
I then put the frame back together and placed scrapbook stickers and decals on the glass of the frame.
I then put the frame back together and placed scrapbook stickers and decals on the glass of the frame.
This way I am able to write with the dry erase marker on the glass.
Hi Sarah! I loved your post! I honestly felt inspired to get up every day, dress to my shoes and go about doing my housework. I'm thinking I may hop over to the Fly Lady and read more about her process. It's funny because I made a cleaning schedule for myself that sounds awfully similar to what you do so I'm encouraged to read more about it. And LOVED your picture frame menu idea.
I also see on your side bar that you are expecting!! Congratulations!! We just had our first baby four short months ago. Motherhood is amazing. You'll love it!! Congrats!!
Hi Mandi!Thanks so much. I just hopped on over to your blog and I'm your newest follower. I love your blog! I also printed out the daily schedule sheet! Thanks for the info, I look forward to following your blog. Yes, I hubby and I are expecting our first child a little boy in two weeks!!! I'm so excited and I can't wait. Congrats to you on your new little one! :)
What a great schedule!!! They fly lady rocks!!
Congrats on baby #1
Love your ideas! :) Erin
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!!!
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