This morning my husband and I enjoyed a nice brunch at the beach in the downtown area of our city. We enjoyed a yummy brunch of eggs, blueberry chocolate chip muffins with fresh fruit and juice! After brunch we walked down to the beach to watch the waves and the water on this perfect, sunny spring day. I was once again reminded of the beauty the Lord has so perfectly placed and created .
The sun glistening on the water, the sound of the waves crashing on the sand, and the warmth of the sun on my face. All this and I was able to experience the beauty of God's masterpiece with my husband while feeling my sweet little boy move in my tummy.

As we were sitting along the beach some of the locals came to visit. No, I don't mean the surfers. I'm talking about the local ground squirrels that live in the bushes along the hillside of San Clemente. They were so friendly and came right up to us as we fed them peanuts. Surrounded by all of this beauty and abundant life made me think of the sacrifice my Savior made for me and for you so that we might experience life to the fullest as we glorify Him!!
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