


We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.

My husband and I are a young, growing, Christian, military family. My husband is a Captain in The United States Marine Corps. I am a former Elementary school teacher. We are first time parents to a beautiful little two year old boy, with twin boys on the way! I am a stay at home Marine wife, who loves to bake, cook, sew and craft! I enjoy being a Domestic Engineer. The purpose of this blog is to document the story of our life and adventures as they take place.

We are honored to be serving our country and ask for prayer in our upcoming adventures. We have been blessed tremendously, and thank God everyday for all he has given us!




Thursday, October 9, 2014

Searching For The Good

While listening to the news this morning, I was overwhelmed by all of the negativity, hype and fear presented within the one hour news broadcast! Ebola Virus, Terrorists, Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), criminals, deaths, murders, the list goes on and on!! Whew, how depressing! If we let all of the scary news dictate our lives, we would never leave our house and we certainly wouldn't enjoy life! I am on a quest to find the good in my life... it isn't hard to find, each one of us has so much to be happy and thankful for!

Children truly are a gift from the Lord. This past weekend we welcomed two new little babies into our life! My dear friend, Amanda, welcomed her beautiful baby girl, Chloe Anne, into the world!

On Monday, our cousin Kim and her husband Brandon, (from my hubby's side of the family), welcomed their beautiful little girl, Tinley Paige, into the world and our family!
Love and blessings to both families! :)
Speaking of babies... On Monday night, Jacob and Joseph tried sold food for the first time! I started them on steamed and pureed sweet potatoes. Yummers! Most Pediatricians will tell you to start your baby on some starchy, processed, sugary food like baby rice cereal or oatmeal. I have read and researched this area since having Robbie and decided to start these two little guys on all natural, whole foods like sweet potatoes, avocado, pears and apples.
The babies loved the food and it is inexpensive to make!

 Above is a little video clip of Robbie getting Jacob to laugh during his dinner!

Jacob loved the sweet potatoes!
Joey wasn't too sure!
Last night, I attempted to take a six month photo of the boys.
Well, I think I took the photo too late when the boys were too tired !
We had quite an exciting Tuesday evening! Just before bedtime, I was getting Robbie ready for his bath when we heard a knock at the front door! Robbie ran to the door and found this..
 A letter from Jingle!!
Do you all remember Jingle, our Christmas Elf On The Shelf?

Jingle decided to send Robbie a little post card from his vacation spot on the beach to let Robbie know he will be coming back in December!

 Robbie was thrilled to hear that Jingle will return and that he knows we have moved and now where to find us!!

On Wednesday's, Gigi comes over bright and early at 7:00 am and babysits, folds laundry, does dishes, makes lunch and cleans my house while I am at Bible Study with Robbie from 8:30 to 11:30. Gigi is so awesome, all that is asked f her is to watch the babies, but being Gigi, she goes above and beyond doing EVERYTHING else!!!
I took this picture of her yesterday while she was changing Jacob, because only a Grandma of three boys would be wearing a Jake and The Neverland Pirates bandaid! haha :) You're a boy grandma now Gigi!

Robbie begged to spend the night at Gigi's last night! He loves staying with her!
The babies are still sleeping this morning and since Robbie is with Gigi, I have a little time to myself this morning! I am menu planning for my knitting night get together tomorrow night. While planning I have been watching a show that I have never seen before called, Quints By Surprise! Love it and boy oh boy, I will NEVER complain about having it hard with twins! This woman is a saint!
I'm pretty excited about dinner tomorrow night for Friday Night Knitting Club.
I'm off to the grocery store. Happy Thursday!




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