Inspiring Women
Happy Thursday friends! I have been sitting here this morning thinking about all of the different moves I have endured since becoming a military wife. I have been married for five years and have now moved eight different times. I am hoping now that I will soon become the mother of three children, that this will be my last move for a while. I wouldn't trade the past five years for anything, because I have met some incredible people!
As I was shopping for a book to read earlier this week, certain names came to mind, such as ... Emily Dickinson , Louisa May Alcott, Marie Curie, Abigail Adams, Rosa Parks etc...
I wish we had heroes like that today to actually sit down with and chat over lunch about all of their accomplishments and trials. It dawned on me that these women are in all of our lives today!
Every Thursday, for the next few weeks, I will be sharing about some of the fine women who have passed through my life.
Today, I have asked my sweet friend Lindsey to share a little bit about herself and life in her Happy House of 5! I first met Lindsey, when our husbands were in flight school together in Pensacola Florida. We both lived o base together in the same neighborhood. Lindsey and I first met at our neighborhood Wives Bible Study, At that time she was expecting her third child. At that time, I was newly married and without children. I can remember what an exceptional mother and wife Lindsey was and is.
Lindsey is a Stay at Home Mom to three girls ages 13, 8 and 3. She is a Coast Guard spouse and serves their Air Station as the Ombudsman. She loves God and is growing daily in her walk, depending on God more and more with every day. She strives to keep her marriage, family and home her number one priority while also serving others and enjoying her small work at home embroidery business. She likes to share crafts, recipes, tips and faith on her blog Happy House of 5. We have grown even closer the past few years through our blogging!
"Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves." (Romans 12:10 NIrV)
God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and three beautiful children. We have been married for over ten years now and my heart has been a work in progress the entire time. The Holy Spirit has been doing a work on my heart on how I look at and serve my family. It's not easy to admit to this, but I was once very resentful of having to do a lot of the small day to day tasks that come with being a Mom and Wife. Things like packing my husbands lunch for work. In my mind, he was more than capable to do it himself and therefore he should. There were so many weekends when I wanted to be given a chance to sleep in and let him get up early with the kids instead of me. Making dinner was another internal battle that I've often fought with. Why should I be the only one to think of our weekly menu and then prepare it day after day, couldn't we just eat out more? I have hobbies and interests that I would like more free time with but the daily duties of Mothering and being a good wife sometimes don't allow the time for those things. I literally held these internal battles inside until I was bitter and spiteful towards my husband and children. It wasn't all the time that I felt like this but more than I would like to openly admit. Over the years God has begun to peel away the layers of my heart and show me areas in my life where I was not serving and sacrificing for my own family. My heart was telling me to act one way and my mind was fighting it.
I've had the privilege of being on a launch team for a new book by Courtney Joseph, "Women Living Well, Finding Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids and Your Home". She writes about this very bitterness: "Whenever I start to feel critical or bitter toward my husband, I must choose instead to forgive my husband and pray for him. I confess my sin of bitterness and ask the Lord to give me eyes to see my husband as he sees him. If you are looking to overcome bitterness in your marriage, realize that this is not something that will happen overnight. It's a lifelong journey of guarding your mind and your marriage. The enemy would love to get a foothold in your marriage using bitterness so beware! Put Philippians 4:8 as a filter over your mind. Be free from bitterness!"
Church, prayer life and time spent in studying the bible these last few years has really helped open my eyes to how I need to personally work on myself instead of looking to change certain circumstances. Last summer I started making myself wake up early before the kids woke up so that I could sit down and have my quiet time and devotion. I can't begin to tell you what a difference studying the Bible and having more of a prayer life has made. When I wake up my kids for school I have already had my cup of tea and prayed about our day. My Mom and Wife heart are in the right place to start a new day and face the challenges that may arise.
Being a Mom means we sometimes struggle in laying down our own lives, day by day and moment by moment. We will struggle and make sacrifices but God is standing next to us every step of the way. I have begun to find much joy in the small things, I often make my husband his lunch for work now and even stick a little love note in for him (thank you Happy Home Fairy!) I enjoy waking up early on most mornings and having some quiet time to myself. I look at my husband with more respect and admiration with every passing day. I pray for our marriage to be strong and sacrificial to one another. I want a healthy and loving marriage not only for ourselves but to lead as an honorable example for our three daughters. "One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate." Psalm 145:4-5
As Moms we serve and sacrifice daily and need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves both physically and spiritually. It may not always be easy to find the time to wake up early before the kids, maybe you can do you quiet time after they go to bed or during nap time. It's so important to surround yourself with like minded and positive friends who can encourage you and pray for you. It's so refreshing to have time alone with your husband. Don't feel bad about leaving your little ones with sitters or family, time away is good for everyone so get busy planning some fun and romantic dates!
Thank you Lindsey for those words of encouragement! If you have enjoyed Lindsey's post today, please pop on over to er blog http://happyhouseof5.com/ . You are sure to be blessed and encouraged!

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today Sarah! You are a fabulous Mom and Wife as well and can't wait to see what God is doing with your sweet family!! Many continued prayers and blessings to you.
Making the most of each day says: What a beautiful woman! How selfish of me to have missed you when you were in such good company. Life is definitely our school, and to know these kinds of students is a great education both spiritually and intellectually!
I just read this post and I'm so glad I did. Lindsey's post hits close to home as I've been struggling lately with some of the very things she's talking about. With 2 boys- I often find myself just wanting a few moments of silence and then getting angry at my husband for not "helping" me more. Thanks for sharing Lindsey- and thank you Sarah for having her post on your blog! :)
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