Good Morning Friends and happy Monday!! We had another busy weekend, or should I say my husband and Dad did. They spent the whole weekend working on our house. We are getting so very excited about construction starting soon! This past weekend, Rich and my Dad spent their time working on cleaning-up and preparing the back bedroom and bath for the contractor and his team. I will be so excited to have four bedrooms again!! Especially now with the twinies on their way!!
Lately, when we tell people we are expecting twins, I get a weird look from some of them or a gasp of horror. A few people even told me, "what were you thinking", "wow what a handful", "Glad it's not me". I get a little hurt over these comments, but have learned to dust them off and realize they are just not worth getting upset over. The Lord gave us these twins and I am not going to feel guilty or embarrassed or apologetic for His gift!
It has always been the desire of my heart to have a large family and Rich and I have both come to the Lord many times in prayer with our request. We are both just so thankful for His blessing!!
Lets see, what else.... Oh I start up Bible Study Fellowship again this Wednesday! We will be doing an in depth nine month study on the book of Matthew! I love Matthew !!! In fact, last night we celebrated my Aunt's birthday and as we all enjoyed birthday cake we were talking about boy and girl names for the twins. I love the name Matthew, but it doesn't seem to be a big hit with the hubby, ha ha or anyone in the family. Oh well :). We will see...
This year, Rich is starting the Men's Bible BSF study of Matthew on Tuesday nights. My Dad is joining the study with Rich and I am looking forward to some great dinner conversations over the book, the man and the history!!
As far as Mr. Robert, he is; "doing Great" as he says when you ask him how he is!
He is just my little sunshine throughout the day! I am so in love with him!
Here he is looking at the computer the other day saying hello to one of my military friends during our Skype date!
I absolutely love my son's enthusiasm and joy for life! Robbie is so helpful and loving !
He is counting, saying his ABC's, singing, recognizing letters and shapes and colors...
I love watching my child learn!
I purchased this book for him last week and we have been cruising right along through it! I highly recommend it for all of you Mom's of young children! Great resource!
Robbie has decided that he wants to be Mickey Mouse for Halloween and that I will be Minnie Mouse... ha ha a very pregnant Minnie Mouse I might say! Lol!
So, I have started my search for yellow kids Crock shoes!
I am making his costume and have come up with some cute ideas... can't wait for October!!

I have been planning out which rooms will belong to each of us in the new house. With Daddy and Mommy in the master bedroom and Robbie in the room right next to us, the twins sharing the room across the hall from Robbie. That leaves the fourth back bedroom just on the other side of the family room free! I have the PERFECT plan for this room! I am going to turn it into a home school room.
I am having the BEST time planning our home school room! I have a few ideas of my own that I am incorporating from my previous classrooms... and thanks to the magic of Pinterest, I am able to plan and create my dream homeschool room.

Well, I think that really is all that has been happening with us... hope you are all well and having a wonderful Monday!

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