These silly long weekends! While it is glorious to have another day added to the weekend, it always jumbles up my week, ha! I'm left confusing my days for the rest of the week...
Ahh, but it is Duck Dynasty night tonight and that's a good thing ...right?

This morning I decided to venture out for a quick outing and take Robbie on a little mommy/son lunch date! We went to Sonic on base for lunch and then just as we were on our way to the park on base, Daddy called and needed help. Rich and I are in the process of restoring our 1969 Volkswagen Square back Type 3. This was my car in college and I do believe at some point I named her Lola! :)
I thought it sounded like a good name for an older hippie car! ;)
Anyway, we recently had all the body work and paint revamped, along with the engine... but, Rich took her on the freeway this morning to head over to the main side of base. I think poor little Lola couldn't take the heat and needed a little rest!
Robbie and I met Daddy at the base exchange and while I was there I stopped of and did a little shopping. We must have tired my little man out, because this was Robbie all the way home which takes almost an hour.

I know AMAZING right?
So since we are on the subject of Pinterest, another friend of mine posted these!!
I HAVE to have one!! Thanks Staci!

Well that's it for today folks!
Happy Wednesday!

I want to try that icing so badly! I think it'll be really good on something pumpkin, don't ya think? Hey lady, I've tried messaging you on Facebook and texting you but I never hear back! Send me a message or text! I want to catch up!!
:) Sara D
Sara!!! I am so sorry! I got a new cell number almost a year ago. I will message you tomorrow. Would love to Skype!! :) Love you, miss you and wish we lived closer so we could paint our nails and go to Starbucks while burning a candle! haha
Get back to bed!! An hour driving?
I want to see those twins!
Doctor: "Rest as much as possible, only an hour a day on your feet." Sarah, "Oh yes, I can do this, I will be very careful!" Your mother, at home praying, hoping, concerned. Sarah at sonic, walking the beach, sitting in a 110 degree car waiting for Richard? Just don't post it, don't tell me, LA LA LA LA LA LA, Here nothing see nothing do nothing.
I love you and your family of FIVE!
Your Mother
Sorry, I spelled hear wrong in my post! Again!! you are at the beach today??? REST, please rest!
No one is at the beach today Mom... I just took Robbie for a short drive, (you know how short the 3 blocks are from my house to the beach), to look out at the pirate ship, as he calls it at the harbor.
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