Hope you all had a fun weekend. It was another HOT one here! Rich and my Dad spent their weekend cutting down a MASSIVE Oak Tree in the front yard at our new home! Whew!! Glad I was the one inside with a glass of pomegranate lemonade! ;)

We also went counter top shopping for our kitchen! I can't believe how much it thrills me to shop for kitchen appliances and counter tops!
I am in love with the look of marble counter tops. I love the look, the feel and the fact that they are great to bake on!
My husband likes the Caesarstone counter top look. Awe, so many choices are making my head spin!! Do any of you have a suggestion?? What have you used in your home?
Today, I was able to get-up, get dressed and go shopping with my little man for about an hour. We went to one of our favorite places, Trader Joe's! I have the BEST helper!!! Robbie walks around with his mini-shopping cart and believes he is really shopping. He says, "Now let's see, what do I need?"
I must suggest something new that we tried; Greek Yogurt Apple Cinnamon coffee cakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! Warmed it a second or so in the broiler, added a scoop of vanilla ice cream= ecstasy!
Since I can't lift Robbie anymore, my dad gave us a little old fashioned, metal stool which my mother is painting for Robbie. Robbie thinks he is a big shot carrying his stool around to get into Grandpa's truck, to wash his own hands at the sink, and to get into Gi Gi's big antique bed!
I am very tired these days and I can't wait for the heat to subside.
I praise God that the twinies are still developing well! Thank you so sincerely for your prayers. If any of you readers have a prayer request, please, please message me. I would be honored to be your prayer warrior!
Have a wonderful day!

That lemonade sounds perfect and the coffee cake looks delicious! I miss having a Trader Joes closer to home.
We have Caesarstone and we LOVE it. Much easier to care for than granite. We love it. Did I say that already? Let us know if you want to know more about it or come visit and see it. I'll have some lemonade waiting for you... :) Vanessa Rose
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