Baby News
Extra, Extra Read All About It . . .
Yay it's the weekend!!!!!!!! I hope this post isn't boring for some of you. It is a lot of baby info coming your way! ha ha . I have said before, that we use this blog to document our life happenings and events as they take place. Well, right now Mr. Robert is a HUGE part of our life! I promise that I am including a super YUMMY recipe for you at the end of this post, so please bear with me for a second while I have a Mama Moment! :)

Last week, Robert started sitting up on his own. We noticed it when he would crawl to one side of the room, tilt back onto his bottom and boom! He was sitting up! :) This is such a fun milestone for our little man. Yesterday during nap time, while folding laundry I noticed that I hadn't heard Robert make a giggle, coo or "Dada" in awhile . . .
So, I peeked into his nursery to find this little guy standing in his crib, holding onto the rail with one hand and a leg halfway over the other rail!!!!!!!!!!!! I gasped!!!!!!!

One last bit of Robbie info. for ya and then on to the recipe!!! Robert has started saying "Dada" like CrAzY!!!!!!!!! It is so adorable!! No Mama yet, but I love to see Rich's face light up when our little baby says these words. :)
The BEST Oatmeal In The World . . .

French Toast Oatmeal [serves 1]
•1/3c rolled oats [I used 1/4c rolled + 2T steel cut, for crunch]
•1 large egg, whisked
•1/2 banana, thinly sliced
•1t cinnamon
•1t vanilla extract
•1/2c water
•3/4c unsweetened almond milk
•1T ground flax meal
•1T pure maple syrup
•1/4c chopped walnuts
1.In a small pot, over medium heat, whisk the oats, cinnamon, sliced banana, water + almond milk together.
2.Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a low boil.
3.Whisk 2-3x while cooking, until almond all the liquid is absorbed. ~6-10min depending on pan + stove type
4.Whisk in flax meal + vanilla. Let cook 1 minute.
5.Vigorously whisk in 1 [pre-whisked] egg for about 15 seconds, until thoroughly combined.
6.Let cook, without stirring, for 2min.
7.Pour into a bowl and top with nuts + maple syrup.
This was incredibly creamy and oh so thick! It tasted like no bowl of oats I’ve ever had. sweet and delicious. I like to add three egg whites.
•1/3c rolled oats [I used 1/4c rolled + 2T steel cut, for crunch]
•1 large egg, whisked
•1/2 banana, thinly sliced
•1t cinnamon
•1t vanilla extract
•1/2c water
•3/4c unsweetened almond milk
•1T ground flax meal
•1T pure maple syrup
•1/4c chopped walnuts
1.In a small pot, over medium heat, whisk the oats, cinnamon, sliced banana, water + almond milk together.
2.Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a low boil.
3.Whisk 2-3x while cooking, until almond all the liquid is absorbed. ~6-10min depending on pan + stove type
4.Whisk in flax meal + vanilla. Let cook 1 minute.
5.Vigorously whisk in 1 [pre-whisked] egg for about 15 seconds, until thoroughly combined.
6.Let cook, without stirring, for 2min.
7.Pour into a bowl and top with nuts + maple syrup.
This was incredibly creamy and oh so thick! It tasted like no bowl of oats I’ve ever had. sweet and delicious. I like to add three egg whites.
Have a blessed day!
1 comment:
Oh MY GOSH!!!! What an advanced little boy you have there! I absolutely cannot believe that he is already pulling himself up, I bet he is walking by 8 monhts! So when I read in the book "What to expect the first year" about these babies that are already walking at 7 months I can probably link your little guy into that catagory! I'm positive Brayden won't be doing all these milestones as quickly as Robbie is. But in all honesty that is fine with me, more time that he is not moving all over the place. However, the teacher in me thinks he should be at the top of the "class" versus middle of the pack. Brayden rolled over right when he turned 4 months and rolled over several times that week, but he stopped rolling over since then. I know that is common for some so I'm not worried....yet. Wish I could meet that little guy!
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