Robert, You Are 5 Months Old Today!!!!

You are FIVE months old today my little man, I say this every month, but I really CAN NOT believe you are already this old!
Your 5 Months Stats:
Weight: 17 pounds on the dot. 70th Percentile.
Height: 26 inches 97th percentile
What Are You Wearing?
Size 3 to 6 month clothes and some 6 month clothes.You still fit into a size 2 diaper, the size 3 is much more comfortable for you. Especially with you rolling ALL the time!!
What Are You Doing?
You are doing so much now sweet pea!
You can roll-over
You sleep 12 hours through the night( Mommy and Daddy love this) :)
You take two good naps everyday.
You love your new Jumparoo!
You still love bath time!!
You are very interested in your surroundings and you have to know what everybody is doing all the time.
You love people!
You smile and laugh at strangers, making friends with everyone!
You reach out and grab everything and put it right in your mouth.
I think best of all I love your sweet dimple smile and heartwarming giggle!
Yesterday, you had your 5 month doctor's appointment, and you had to get more vaccines.
You didn't like that too well, but you were a brave little guy and Grandpa Ray went with us!

Here you are smiling, when you should be napping. I love seeing this smiling face! You wake-up each morning smiling!!!
Ah ha,

Caught you awake sneaky bug!
You love hanging out with me, your Mama! You jump in your Jumparoo in the kitchen while I cook!
You love your stuffed animals, and you love to be rocked on the glider in your bedroom that Grandma Robbie and Grandpa Ray bought for you!
In this picture Robbie, you are holding the blanket that Grandma Carla made for you.

Miss Liz, Grandma Robin's friend gave this musical elephant to you.
Here you are with Papa. You like to touch his face and giggle at the scruff of his five o'clock shadow that tickles your hands!
Here is your five month letter from me.
Hello my Little Peanut!
What can I say? You have my heart Robbie! We are best buds, you go everywhere and do everything with me. I LOVE being home with you all day, never a dull moment! I love your giggle, the twinkle in your eyes and your pure, innocent heart.Every night, since the night you were born I sing this song to you; "The Way You Look Tonight". You love this song and it always seems to comfort you when I sing it to you at bedtime. This is the same song that your Daddy and I danced to at our wedding. The other night I had just finished nursing you, you were fast asleep and I was singing this song to you. Daddy came in and said; " You won't know it Sarah, but at Robert's wedding I will tell the band to secretly play that song and you will look at your Robbie, who will be a grown, handsome man and you and I will just know in our hearts that this is your song with him. We will both remember these early days of you singing this song to him as a baby." Well sweetie, this made me cry tears of joy! I love you so much and I would give you the world if I could! The thought of you as a grown man makes my heart smile!
So, I am not sad that you are growing so quickly, but rather joyful and excited to enjoy the next stage in your life my son.
Love ,
Your Mama
To our song Robbie :)
Some day, when I’m awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight.
You’re lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight.
With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fear apart...
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
It touches my foolish heart.
Lovely ... never, ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won’t you please arrange it?
’cause I love you ... just the way you look tonight.
With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fear apart...
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
It touches my foolish heart.
Lovely ... never, ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won’t you please arrange it?
’cause I love you ... just the way you look tonight.
Mm, tonight.
I can't believe he's 5 months already! Goodness, what a handsome boy! And what a beautiful letter! I love you guys!
You have a precious little guy!
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