


We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.

My husband and I are a young, growing, Christian, military family. My husband is a Captain in The United States Marine Corps. I am a former Elementary school teacher. We are first time parents to a beautiful little two year old boy, with twin boys on the way! I am a stay at home Marine wife, who loves to bake, cook, sew and craft! I enjoy being a Domestic Engineer. The purpose of this blog is to document the story of our life and adventures as they take place.

We are honored to be serving our country and ask for prayer in our upcoming adventures. We have been blessed tremendously, and thank God everyday for all he has given us!




Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Teach Me Tuesday Robbie Turns 4 Months

It's Teach Me Tuesday and today I am sharing that Robert Is Four Months Old!!

I can't believe my baby turned 4 months old yesterday, September 5th 2011. My little man is growing SO fast. Rich and I are loving every minute of watching our little sweet pea learn and grow with each passing day!

Robert, you weigh around 14.5 pounds. I would guess you are around 25 or 26 inches long. You wear size 2 diaper and 3 to 6 month clothing.

Dear Robert,

You had quite a productive month, full of change and new, fun adventures! We moved into our new house this past month. Your new nursery is just beautiful, perfect for a baby boy.

You love watching all the cottontail bunnies run around in our backyard! This past month you have become even more of a social butterfly and flirt! You LOVE to smile at everyone you meet. Charming us all with those big beautiful eyes and dimples. Most of all honey we love your sweet spirit. You are a kind soul Robbie.

You love to jump on the bed when we play your "No More Monkeys" song! You love to swing on Grandma Robbie's bench swing in her backyard. You love it so much that Daddy and I bought one for our yard, so now you have your very own!

Daddy and I pray for you, your life, your future wife and family everyday. We are honored and so very blessed to have you Robert. I keep watching you as you sleep, imagining the man that you will grow to become. It absolutely amazes me that you, this tiny little baby will grow into a man! So, for now, I am holding my baby but my prayer is you will grow to become a man who loves the Lord. That is all that matters to Daddy and me Robert. We don't care if you ever become a Doctor or a Lawyer, where you go to college, or how little/ how much money you make or even how many degrees you have/ don't have. As a Mother Robbie, my greatest hope is for you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. So, as a person, wife and mother, if I teach you nothing else but this, I will consider this to be my greatest accomplishment in life!! I love you so my son.


Your Mama

1 comment:

Baby Carrier said...

Mr. & Mrs. Christensen your baby is so cute...and your family is happy family....God bless you........Thanks for sharing and i hope you continue your post..

Baby Slings at Nurtured Family