


We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.

My husband and I are a young, growing, Christian, military family. My husband is a Captain in The United States Marine Corps. I am a former Elementary school teacher. We are first time parents to a beautiful little two year old boy, with twin boys on the way! I am a stay at home Marine wife, who loves to bake, cook, sew and craft! I enjoy being a Domestic Engineer. The purpose of this blog is to document the story of our life and adventures as they take place.

We are honored to be serving our country and ask for prayer in our upcoming adventures. We have been blessed tremendously, and thank God everyday for all he has given us!




Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Tuesday

Happy Tuesday friends! Do any of you have a guilty pleasure like watching The Golden Girls, or only eating the frosting from an Oreo Cookie leaving the chocolate cookie behind?

Help!!! I am going through reality TV withdrawals this week!!! Dancing With The Stars has now had their season finale along with American Idol. However, I do have a guilty television pleasure... The Real Housewives of New Jersey!! I don't know why I am fascinated and so entertained by these gals! Teresa is my absolute favorite! In the past I have watched The Real Housewives of Orange County (which I am now not at all entertained by). So, for now my Monday nights are consumed with nursing my new little baby, popcorn and yes, it's true The Gals of Jersey! ;)


Sarah beth said...

I use to watch that was really hard for me to say no to watching it. But the things that the girls wear and their behavior was letting trash into my life, I removed the channel all together from tv package!

Patti Kennedy said...

I am having a really hard time finding anything good to watch these days. I don't watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette, American Idol, DWTS, or anything. I used to be a big fan of Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice, but even those are feeling really trashy to me now. However, my guilty pleasure (and I can't even believe I am admitting this) is Family Guy. I am baby stepping my way from watching it...but it's so hard!
Enjoy your little man! He's so precious! Congrats!!

Baby Slings at Nurtured Family