This weekend was rainy and SO cold!!! I stayed indoors and had fun crafting! Here are two of the projects I worked on:
Our Family Rules Canvas

Rich and I have been talking about coming up with a list of family rules and values for our growing family to abide by in our home. I wanted to find some fun way to display our rules for all to see who visit our home.We are a military family which means we move often. So, our family rules need to be portable. After doing some blog hopping I came across a blog where a woman did a similar project using scrapbook paper, a canvas, paint and Mod Podge. It was my first time using Mod Podge and I loved it! I called Rich and we came up with these family rules. Here is a detailed view of my family rules canvas.
close up of first half of canvas.

Second half of canvas
Here are our rules.
I'm not sure if the picture shows them that well. :)
1.Love the Lord with your heart, mind & soul.
2. Make choices that honor Jesus in all you do!
3. Husband love your wife. Wife respect your husband.
4.Children obey your parents.
5. Be nice to your siblings... encourage & believe in them. Share in their joy! Lift them up during their trails.
6. Have a grateful heart. Focus on what you do have & not on what you don't.
7.Value our family & traditions.
8. Pray & Thank God for our family.
9. There is no mine in this house, it's all God's!
Custom Baby Wipe Case

I had some leftover material from another project I am working on for the baby. I decided to make a baby wipe case that Rich won't mind using when he takes little Robert out. Here it is. This was so fun to make I am now making the baby a matching burp cloth and blanket to go with it. :)
Ribbon I used around the edge.
A Side view

Blessings, Sarah

What a wonderful idea to create a portable list of family rules! Ken and I also love the wisdom of your rules. What is Mod Podge?
Great family rules! Cute blog. My husband is a Marine too!
Love your family rules! Thank you to you and your husband for your service to our country. Semper Fi! (My dad was a 22 year veteran of the USMC) Congrats on your upcoming adventure in parenthood!
I just bought mod podge for the first time this weekend. I can't wait to use it!
I just love your crafty side this week girl!! You are so darn cute, too bad you dont live here in NC!! I would love to hang out with you!! Big hugs
Hello Ladies!
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments!
Carla- Thank you! Mod Podge is this wonderful glue type craft supply that you put over paper. It bondsa nd shines the paper.
Brook- Hi Brook! Thanks for following! I always love to meet another Marine wife! Where are ya'll based?
Vivienne- Thanks for stopping by! I always love new followers! Semper Fi to you and your family as well! Our family is honored to be part of the military. Please tell your Dad thank you for his service as well.:)
Megan- Hi Megan! You will love your Mod Podge! I'm going to start follwong your blog! Hope to see what you make with that Mod Podge! :)
Hi Sonya! Yes, it would be so fun to hang out! I think we have so much in common! :)
Stopping by from a blog hop! You are quite talented! Am now following. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!
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