This post really should have been finished earlier, but here I sit and find myself blogging away at ten to midnight on Wednesday evening. Today, I am linking-up once again with Ginny over on her blog, "Small Things" for another weekly post of "Yarn Along".
As you can see, my reading this week has a little bit of everything... well, everything that I happen to be interested in at the moment aside from pregnancy books and "How To" books about twins.
I picked-up this month's "Taste of Home Southern Favorites" magazine and boy oh boy is reading through this making me crave a tall, cool, refreshing glass of sweet tea along with a plate of southern fried chicken! I have been knitting while drooling over some of the recipes in this magazine.
On Monday, I read the children's book, "The Mitten" to Robbie for the first time. He enjoyed it and so, this week we are working on a thematic unit that I made-up centered around this book. We are doing everything from matching mittens, counting mittens and re-telling the story through picture cards.
On a funny note, here is a selfie of my poor, very tired, very pregnant, swollen feet and ankles. I was up and down a bit too much today! :(
We had a very productive homeschool day, Robbie is whizzing right along with learning the alphabet letters. He now knows the sounds that all 26 letters of the alphabet make and about 16 to 20 of the actual letters by sight recognition. I am one proud Mommy!
Today's lessons included...
... Cutting skills and ...
... color recognition and patterns. The color forms below are by Melissa & Doug. I just love anything made by that company! All of their products are simple, tasteful and excellent teaching resources!
I am shopping around for a new diaper changing pad for the twins nursery and so, I shall be on my way to search Amazon before turning in for the evening. Hope your Wednesday was productive... just one more day until Friday!

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