Hello dear ones, it is now time for the British invasion . . .
I'm talking about an afternoon of tea and Downton Abbey of course!

Let the party begin!
Sunday was just a perfect day for my Tea party!
It was a cold afternoon, which welcomed a warm and comforting cup of tea.
We prepared our nice things for our very nice friends, and we celebrated being cozy together.
Because I am such a Downton Abbey fan, we discussed the series and played games pertaining to all that is British. What fun we had!
I made a large cardboard cut-out of Mr. Bates, the Valet from Downton Abbey. Each of the ladies posed to have their picture taken with him! Here is Miss Vicky sneaking in a kiss!
Throughout the entire house we had photos and characters from Downton Abbey displayed just about everywhere!
O'brien is the villain; lady's maid from the show.
I thought it fitting to place her photo on the Loo!
She'll get her bar of soap one day!
The other villain in our beloved television series is Thomas, the Footman.
So why not . . .
When you lifted the toilet lid, this is what you were greeted with!

A great actor who helps you loathe him!
My Mom made this adorable display in the ladies room. She painted blackboard paint on an old silver tray and quoted William Shakespeare with pink chalk. She also bought an old straw purse at a yard sale and painted roses on a linen napkin, which she sewed and crocheted onto the purse. We love the allure of things old!
Below is a picture of my mother's beloved, "Mr. Bates" from Downton Abbey. She said he is the man of her dreams, and one of the ladies said, "Robin, remember he is an ACTOR" LOL! Mom said she is going to keep him in the picture frame for a while anyway.
Everyone brought a tea cup to exchange with each other. It was very exciting to see the various treasures.
We served chicken and herb tea sandwiches, cucumber cream sandwiches, Deviled eggs, double chocolate fudge cake, spinach rolls, Madelines and sugar cookies. A girlfriend brought wine, and mom served spice tea and sparkling cider!
When we were recently at Disneyland, I had a silhouette of Robbie done. My mom said that she and my dad had one done when I was just about the same age as Robbie. She hunted for it, and found it. We took it back to Disneyland and had it framed exactly like Robbie's. So now, Robbie and I sit facing each other in my mother's living room.
This is my mother's long time friend, Liz and her daughter, Aimee.
Just look at their cute hats! They belonged to Elizabeth's mother. They preserved them well and wore them to our tea.
Mom met Elizabeth in the fifth grade. Elizabeth was born in England!
Liz and my mother share so much history together.
Aimee is a first grade teacher who has two children of her own. Two children whom I totally approve of as mentors for little Robbie. I consider my friendship with Aimee, as being a huge blessing.
Just look at their cute hats! They belonged to Elizabeth's mother. They preserved them well and wore them to our tea.
Mom met Elizabeth in the fifth grade. Elizabeth was born in England!
Liz and my mother share so much history together.
Aimee is a first grade teacher who has two children of her own. Two children whom I totally approve of as mentors for little Robbie. I consider my friendship with Aimee, as being a huge blessing.
My mom had a little tear in her eye while posing for this one.
Two little girls met and grew up and now they pose with their two little girls who have given them both grandchildren. God is good! See below to see our children together. This was taken on Robbie's Christening day!
Their children's children are friends
Christian, Angelica and little Robbie.
A 45 year friendship continues to blossom down to the third generation.
We are thankful!
When I finally sat down to have my cup of tea, I didn't want to get back up. The warm fire was quite sufficient on this cold afternoon!
Two Italian, German, French, Irish, Hispanic, and Dutch girls pretending to be British for an afternoon!
I consider it a privilege to spend time with Summer because our schedules these days are quite full. I savor every moment!
Vicki, Ma maw, and Roberta!
Vicki; ready for a fox hunt, ma maw, for tea, and Roberta; ready for a night on the town.
Mom has wonderful friends who are artists of different venues. Roberta is mom's Einstein, cerebral friend, and Vicki, mom says; "is a natural born designer." You should see her home. It looks like something out of a magazine. She is an avid gardener. Mom calls her house, "Monet's oasis."
Roberta is one of my favorite mentors, concerning rearing Robbie. She was owner of Arcadia Montessori school for many years. When I worked on my Masters degree in Education, we only scanned the Montessori method of teaching. Roberta is educating me in depth, and I so appreciate the opportunity! Her price for privately tutoring me is, as she says; "Just pay it forward." Meaning, teach someone else. What a great friend!
Here we are discussing Downton Abbey.
Miss Liz and Auntie wore gloves!
Ma ma, Summer and Judy, (Summer's Ma ma.)
Bompa Ray took Robbie for a boys day out.
Robbie returned with an In-N-Out milkshake mustache and ketchup-stained hands!
But he is still the cutest little butler I know!!
Suit jacket and crock shoes, how chic!!
Have a Blessed Day Lovies, and keep watching Downton!!

We had so much fun!! We'll have to go to lunch so we can discuss the series in detail so we don't have to worry about dropping any spoilers :) Thank you for the party! He's definitely my favorite little butler too!
It looked like so much fun!! I loved all the decor and all the detail ya'll put into it!! I'm glad you had a wonderfull time Sarah :) and Robbie looked soooooo adorable!!!
Was looking for your apricot chicken recipe and found this. Looks like such fun! Can't wait to tell Christine all about your tea party. She and I are BIG Downton Abbey fans.
Also am glad to see you blogging again. Was just tidying up my kitchen this morning and thinking about how much I miss your blog. You write so well and well,.......I just missed it.
Looks like you had a lot of fun at your Downton Tea. Everything looks so pretty and such attention to detaiI! Lovely. I just love DA and am glad to know you are such a fan! Emjoy tonight's last episode! :-)
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