Crochet Rag Rug Tutorial Part 2
Well hello there fellow crafters! I hope there are at least a few of you out there reading this who have decided to try your hand at making a rag rug. If you are just reading this, check out my previous post and join me each day as we make our first rag rug together!
My Mom is teaching me how to make this timeless crocheted rag rug.
This particular pattern is one that she made-up years ago.
You will need to use a P crochet hook.
Mine came in a pack like this for around 4 dollars.
The P hook is the grey one to the left of the photo.
Okay, to start your rug, be sure that all of your fabric strips are rolled into fabric balls and ready to go.
When you start crocheting, you'll need to first make a slip knot.
The slip knot should be about 6" from the end of your fabric.
Next, you'll need to make a chain, which will be the basic foundation of your rag rug.
I have decided to chain six to start my rug.
Okay, now that you have finished your chain, you must join the two ends together with a slip stitch to form a ring.
Round 1 : Next, you will complete as many double crochets as you can in the center of the ring.
I purchased these blue markers at my local craft store to keep track of the beginning of my stitches.
Once you have squeezed in all of your DC ( double crochets, which I will refer to from here out as DC) in the center of your ring, you must join your round once more to create a closed circle.
Round 2: Now mark your round and begin with a new row.
You will now begin your second round by crocheting 2 DC's in each DC from the previous round.
Your rug will look like this at the end of round 2.
Round 3: Okay, now we are getting somewhere!
In this next row, we will start with: 1 double crochet in the first stitch and then 2 double crochets in the next stitch.Got that? It's 1DC, 2DC, 1DC and repeat this pattern all the way around and then join together.
By now, your rag rug is starting to resemble a bowl . . . but hold on!... don't get out your cereal and milk just yet.We will be adding to it and as we go along, our rug will grow and flatten out. I promise! :)
So there is this adorable blog out there in bloggyland that I recently discovered! The blog is called Pinterest Told Me to . . .
Click Link below to take you there
Schaeffer is the author of Pinterest Told Me to . . . and may I say she is a darn good blogger! All of Schaeffer's posts are hilariously funny and she makes you feel as if you are sitting right there with her having a cup of coffee discussing the day's latest Pinterest fashion trends.
Schaffer takes outfits she has pinned on Pinterest, goes through her own closet and then tries to re-create the look while adding her own style and flare!
Well, because I love Schaeffer and her blog, here is what Pinterest told me to wear today .
I was inspired by the pin below!
I love the look of a crisp black and white knitted shirt, paired with a pop of crimson red!
Just fabulous!!
Here is my attempt at recreating a similar look!
So check out Schaeffer's blog and see what Pinterest will tell YOU to do . . .
Happy pinning!
Before I close for tonight, I wanted to share this worship song video by Matt Redman.
So check out Schaeffer's blog and see what Pinterest will tell YOU to do . . .
Happy pinning!
Before I close for tonight, I wanted to share this worship song video by Matt Redman.
I pretty much always have The fish radio station on in my car while I'm driving around throughout the day running errands.
Robbie loves the songs and because it is family friendly Christian music and worship songs, I know I am safe with little ears listening!
Well for the past few days this song keeps catching my attention on the radio. A beautiful song that touches my soul.
Robbie loves the songs and because it is family friendly Christian music and worship songs, I know I am safe with little ears listening!
Well for the past few days this song keeps catching my attention on the radio. A beautiful song that touches my soul.
Have a blessed day and hey . . . tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!

Hey Sarah. So funny you mention pinterest told me to. I follow her blog and her friend Shay's blog (mix and match mama) religiously. How did you find her? Thanks to S and S... My attire and my meals have been reformed! :) Miss you friend! Another two great sites are...
La Vie Petite
Between you and me
Love, Vanessa Rose
Hey Nessa!!
Ha ha, I haven't called you that since high school! Hope you are well friend! That's AWESOME that you follow "Pinterest Told Me Too"!!! I JUST LOVE IT!!! Thanks for the great new blogs to follow! Hope you and the kiddos are well! Miss you!
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