Part of the wifely duties that come along with having a deployed husband include, but are by no means limited to the following; taking care of the kiddos, playing the roles of both Mommy & Daddy, keeping the home front in working order, managing the finances, and of course mailing care packages to the hubby who is off in a faraway land . . .
Well today, Robbie and I are preparing a package to send overseas to Daddy!
We included all of his favorites; Hot Cheetos, loads of chocolate, magazines, book, photos of us, protein bars and so much more. . .
Here we are packing EVERYTHING up!
What package to Daddy would be complete without a picture of Curious George colored by Robbie?
I wanted to share this fabulous, fun and exciting gift idea with all of you!
I am using it as a Valentine gift. Whatever you choose will make your loved one feel like he or she has won the Lotto!
Love Scratchers
Okay, so basically you type 52 reasons of why you are in love with your sweetie!
They can be any reasons at all...
For example: I put on one of mine; " I love you because you are a great father ! "
Why 52 reasons? Because there are 52 cards in a deck and a deck of cards is only a dollar at your local Dollar Tree store!!
Still interested?
Here is what you will need . . .
A Deck of Cards
Dish Soap
Any brand will do and any color. I happen to always buy Dawn no matter the cost!!!!!!!!!
I just can't help falling in love with their commercials...
You know the one, where the oil covered little ducks are bathed in Dawn soap and then happily reunited with their mama! That sales pitch warmed my heart and has won me over for ever.
Okay, next. . .
Silver or Gold Metallic Acrylic Paint.
Any brand will do.
Cheap Small Paint Brush
A quarter inch to half inch will do
Glue Stick
Lamination or Clear Packing Tape
If you feel like getting fancy, you could laminate your cards once the saying has been glued onto the card, but BEFORE you apply paint!
I laminated my cards at my local teaching store for 32 cents a foot. I only chose lamination because these cards have to make it over seas and I want to make sure they last.
However, for the small price of a dollar, you could just pick-up a roll of packing tape from the Dollar store and apply one layer of tape to the front of your card. :)
What You Will Do . . .
1. After typing your love messages ( double spaced no longer in width than 1" in 1/2"
So it will fit in the middle of the card.) Use your glue stick to adhere the little cut out paper sayings to the middle of each card.
2. Now, either laminate or use packing tape on the front of each card. You could just apply tape over the saying, or you could use tape to cover the entire front of your card.
3. Mix 2 parts dish soap with 1 part paint.
I used 2 tablespoons of dish soap
with 1 tablespoon of paint.
4. Finally, apply a thin layer of paint over the lamination or tape only over the saying/ typed paper portion of the card. I applied 2 to 3 coats of paint and soap mixture over the course of a day, letting the cards dry overnight before completing.
Now, your done! You can choose to bind cards together with a hole-punch and ring, (as I did), or just leave them loose!
Pictured above it the mailbox I used to put this special gift inside of.
I found the mailbox in the dollar bin at my local Target!
Here is the front card on this love deck of scratchers!
A photo of my little Robby and me for Daddy.
Next, I used a rule card from the deck to make my own set of rules explaining the scratchers.
Here is one of my cards all finished!
Oh and don't forget to add a coin!
Robbie loved helping Mommy make them!
I thought this idea would be great to give to your spouse with 52 weeks of date nights.
There are 52 weeks in a year. So this could be a years worth of date nights! cute huh?
Hope you enjoy!

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