How Far Along: I am 38 weeks and 2 days with not long to go!

Size of Baby: Little Robert is the size of a watermelon!!!! Yes, I said a watermelon, can you believe it!!
Development This Week: Robert has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans, pants and some tops. I LOVE anything stretchy or drawstring at this point along with stretchy dresses and leggings! I'm Starting to feel HUGE haha!!
Gender: We are having a precious baby boy!!! Robert William Christensen
Movement: Love feeling him and I know I will miss it when he's out. I am cherishing every movement and day we have together.
Sleep: Lately sleep is all I want and love to do!
What I miss: Ugh!!! I would LOVE a great BIG sub sandwich! I miss my blonde hair :( and the ability to fit into my old clothes and skinny jeans, sleeping on my back and I would LOVE some sweet tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cravings: Milk and apples with peanut butter.
Symptoms:Some Braxton Hicks and cramping
Best Moment this week: Talking to Rich about our little Robert. Dreaming about who he will be and who he will grow up to be!
Message to Robert From Mommy: Hi Robert! Well, this might be the last little note I write to you before I meet you and set eyes on your sweet little face. I love you so much!I am most looking forward to seeing your precious face, hearing your first cry and those wonderful words a mother longs to hear at birth "he's perfect". I am praying for a happy, healthy baby boy. I hope this is the week little guy. I'm ready! :) Love you my sweet pea. Mommy
Blessings, Sarah
So exciting!!!! Make sure Rich keeps us updated :) Praying for you, love!!!!
HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, too, had Eden early (I was 39 weeks, 1 day). I didn't progress like you have thus far. I know the excitement you're feeling and I will keep you in my prayers for a safe delivery, so you can hold that sweet baby boy soon!
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