33 Weeks Pregnant!
Pregnancy Highlights This Week:
How Far Along: 33 weeks and 4 days. Only about 6 weeks to go!!!!
Size of Baby: Little Robert is the size of a pineapple. He is 17 inches long. He weighs a little over 4 pounds!
Development This Week:Things are heating up inside! Robbie may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and his brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, his bones are hardening, and he's started to keep his eyes open when he's awake. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening.
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans, pants and some tops. I LOVE anything stretchy or drawstring at this point along with stretchy dresses and leggings! I'm Staring to feel really BIG!!
Gender: We are having a precious baby boy!!! Robert William Christensen
Movement: This little boy is so active!!! Especially at night or when his daddy talks to my tummy!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well, thanks to my awesome pregnancy pillow! A little more aches and pain, but it's all worth it! Lately, when I lay down in bed I can feel little Robbie kicking in my ribs. :)
What I miss: Ugh!!! I would LOVE a great BIG sub sandwich! I miss my blonde hair :( and the ability to fit into my old clothes and skinny jeans, sleeping on my back and I would LOVE some sweet tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!
Cravings: This week water and Goodhumor Strawberry shortcake icecream bars!!!
Symptoms: Trouble getting out of bed in the morning while laying flat on my back. ha ha :) A little sore towards the evenings, and back pain.
Best Moment this week: On Sunday I had my first of two baby showers! Also, Rich and I opened up a pack of pampers newborn swaddler diapers yesterday. Rich held up the diaper and said " I can't believe he is this small, I don't want to hurt him". Haha it was the cutest thing!
Message to Robert From Mommy: Hi little guy! You and I had a great week together! On Saturday we went to your great Grandpa Branch's 80th birthday party and on Sunday Grandma Carla and your Aunts gave us a baby shower! You received so many nice things. Daddy and I set up the baby monitor yesterday and had fun trying it out around the house. We just can't wait to meet you. Only 4 to 6 weeks to go my litle one !!!! :) Love you so much, Mommy
You are so cute!!! I hope I'm half as cute when I'm prego! Also, love your hair blonde or dark looks great both ways :)! Your getting so close, excited for you.
I cannot wait to see the little guy! You and Rich are going to be amazing parents!!!! :)
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