Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It was cold and rainy here in So Cal. So, I took advantage of the weather and read, crocheted and sewed! :)

Tonight is Monday night, which means it's time for the Duggars! I know the Duggar family and their show 19 Kids and Counting have received mixed reviews by the American people. They are a family that most everyone has heard of and most everyone has a different opinion about (some good, some bad).
Well, I am here to tell ya I love the Duggar family!!!! I think it is so refreshing to see an all American family with strong Christian values and morals raising up a generation of Godly children in today's society! I am not promoting that having 19 children is for everyone, but if you have the means, the will, the way and you can do it well, more power to you Duggars!
It reminds me of this scripture from Proverbs:
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

I didn't know until recently that Michelle Duggar ( the Mother of these children) has written not one but two books! Her first book is called "The Duggars 20 and Counting" which is all about their family, how they make their family unit run and their parenting skills. "The Duggars 20 and Counting" can be purchased in stores now. Michelle is coming out with a second book this summer called "A Love That Multiplies" this book will explain how this large family has come together to make their lifestyle work. You can bet I have some new books to add to my reading list this year!

I didn't know until recently that Michelle Duggar ( the Mother of these children) has written not one but two books! Her first book is called "The Duggars 20 and Counting" which is all about their family, how they make their family unit run and their parenting skills. "The Duggars 20 and Counting" can be purchased in stores now. Michelle is coming out with a second book this summer called "A Love That Multiplies" this book will explain how this large family has come together to make their lifestyle work. You can bet I have some new books to add to my reading list this year!
I am expecting our first little boy in a few months, and I know it will be sometime before he starts school. However, I am already a huge fan of homeschooling! Homeschooling is something I have always been interested in. Over the last few years of teaching in both the public and private school world, it has become more clear to me that homeschooling for our family is the way to go! I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who trusts and honors my opinion when it comes to educating our children.
The Duggar's new season has recently started up again. You can catch them on Monday nights on The Learning Channel. I know I will be watching in my comfy pajamas!
Happy Monday Everyone! :)
You go girl!! I love the duggars and homeschooling!!! :)
I like the Duggers too, Sarah.
I love the Duggars and they are a family of God and complete surrender of their whole life not just parts of it. People always have their opinions about everything not understanding that we are following what our Savior is telling us. I have one child in private christian school and one in public, I am considering homeschooling the youngest and possibly the oldest. God is amazing at showing His ways!! Hugs to you girl
I also love watching the Duggars! Its so funny that you mention homeschooling Sara! Its weighing heavy on my heart lately and I've recently started researching all about it!
I love the Duggar's. They are so inspirational! The show has even grown on my husband. Right now my kids attend a private classical Christian school. If for some reason God sees fit to change our situation it would be homeschooling for me. I even looked up the program the Duggar's use years ago before my oldest started school.
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