


We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.

My husband and I are a young, growing, Christian, military family. My husband is a Captain in The United States Marine Corps. I am a former Elementary school teacher. We are first time parents to a beautiful little two year old boy, with twin boys on the way! I am a stay at home Marine wife, who loves to bake, cook, sew and craft! I enjoy being a Domestic Engineer. The purpose of this blog is to document the story of our life and adventures as they take place.

We are honored to be serving our country and ask for prayer in our upcoming adventures. We have been blessed tremendously, and thank God everyday for all he has given us!




Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Alright, Alright, Alright around here...

It seems like I haven't visited this space for quite some time. It is never on purpose, but somehow, the days seem to pass all too quickly for this mama of three and I am left asking myself, "How is it that we are already well into November and Christmas music is being played on the radio?!"

 My twin babies are now eight months old and turning into little men right before my eyes! Jacob is crawling EVERYWHERE (as of a little over a week ago) , sitting-up and as of this week, pulling himself up onto furniture! Joey is combat crawling all over the place and sitting-up.

Once again, I am in awe of the miracle of life and just what a good God we have! I am thankful to my creator and Savior for giving me these three little boys.

Here is little video of Jacob crawling, and ya'll PLEASE forgive the messy house and Robbie's background phone call! :)
Earlier this week, the twins spent the day at the Cranial Doctor to receive their Doc Band Helmets..

For those of you that aren't familiar with these helmets, they are used to correct the head shape of the babies. This is known as Plagiocephaly. Basically, Joey has a flat spot on the back of his head from the position that he laid in my womb and Jacob's forehead is a little more flat and dominant than ideal. Thus , the Doc Band Helmets!

I love the pictures that the Physical Therapist took of the boys before making their helmets.
 They had to wear these adorable little stockings on their head!!

The boys don't seem to mind them a bit and of course my Mom and I decorated them with stickers for Thanksgiving and plan on changing them seasonally.

Well, at least now people won't mix-up their names!

They are scheduled to wear the bands for the next two months or so and then, fingers crossed... they will have perfectly shaped little round heads!
My Mom shared this funny story on her Facebook status about our doctor visit with the boys...

So my twin grandsons go to the Cranial Technology Lab to receive their Orthotic Cranioplasty Doc Bands. These custom designed bands (helmet - like) help reshape Plagiocephaly flat parts of the head. The twins were WONDERFUL. Not a peep or a complaint. Because of their positions in Sarah's womb, certain parts of both of their heads need repositioning. We have made several trips to the office. Mr. Robbie tells all of the techs and OTs too much information: "We call my broder, ...little flatsy flathead." and, "My Daddy went to the Marine Corps Ball. He wears ribbons and medals and a sword. He left mommy at home because my broders are too much trouble to watch." and," I crochet. My Gi Gi taught me." and "I get chocolate milk, if we ever get out of here." So, we have: Flatsy of the head Flappy of the mouth and Cotton-tail:(little fluffy , pure and soft, Jacob!)

Love this picture... Joey fell asleep with Daddy the first night he had his helmet.

I know it is a little late, but here are my goals for the month of November!

1. Get out there and RUN!!! I have been running a few times a week without the kiddos. I need to be more creative about scheduling in the time to run without the kids, because when I take them I am pushing almost 80 pounds of kiddo in the stroller!

2. Go on more Date Nights with Rich!
Last weekend, my Mom and my Aunt came over and so graciously offered to watch all of our babies while we went on a much needed date night! In fact, Rich and I were trying to remember the last time we went ALONE to dinner and a movie and we calculated it dating all the way back to 2011, about a week before I gave birth to Robbie! So yes, this was much needed! Thank you Aunt Becky for the AMC tickets and dinner gift card. :)
We went to see Intersellar in IMAX.

Rich was happy to not be seeing a chick flick and instead a space movie... and I was happy to see anything with Matthew McConaughey... which was the only way Rich was able to get me to SEE a space movie!

 I have always had a huge crush on him, and  I do believe that when she reads this, my best friend Summer will testify to this as well). My Mom kind of killed it for us all by pointing out that Matthew looks just like one of our mutual girlfriends, who will remain nameless, because she is not someone whom I see often ... Thanks Mom! Oh well, we will just choose to ignore that, and it's all Alright, Alright, Alright...  right Summer? ;)   Rich and I  really enjoyed the movie and each other's company! I told Rich that just those few hours out together were such a great re-charge for us both and I noticed we have been closer and more on the same page all week! Life can get hard and stressful with Rich in Law School and three little ones at home! It was nice to get dressed-up and have adult dinner conversation. Date night's do strengthen a marriage and are so important.

3. To write on our Thankful tree everyday!

4. To help my little ones understand gratitude and be grateful for all they have been given, a good family, friends and life.

5. To finish up all of my Christmas projects and gifts, which I am not sure will actually happen in November, but hey... why not shoot for the stars a little!

6. To make blogging a priority and get a new post up daily! :)

7. Be better and more diligent about making Rich's lunch each day for school.
To save money, I have been packing a lunch everyday for Rich. I have tried to include little Bible verses, words of encouragement and sweet I love you cards each day!

Re-Purposed Bunk Bed

My Mom has been helping me re-arrange Robbie's closet and de-clutter and give order to the kid's toy closet! After doing so, we realized we definitely needed more room for  Mr. Robert's clothes! Well, our neighbors a few streets over were throwing out this piece to their child's bunk bed set. It was in two separate pieces and the drawers were facing to the side and not front facing. The entire thing is from Pottery Barn Kids, which I love. Robbie's bed is already Pottery Barn Kids.  My Dad and Rich helped me load it up into the truck and then my Dad spent the next few days re -designing as seen in the above picture! Thanks Dad.. we love it!!!!!

Above is the best photo I can find of how the bunk bed was intended to look. You can see how my Dad changed it and made it work for us!

Well, that is it for us... more to come tomorrow!
Happy Sunday!


Auntie Summer said...

Hahaha!! Oh, you're definitely right, we'll just overlook it and go with it. Anything with Mr. Matthew is alright, alright, alright with me! :D

Oh my goodness, and Robbie's phone call is hilarious! I'll get it! haha

I miss these faces!!

Rich and Sarah Christensen said...

Hahaha! Right! While I was writing the post I was thinking of you laughing while reading our little inside joke. I know, I was so excited to capture Jake crawling and then... the phone rings. I was like motioning to Robbie to just let it ring. Let's just say he had other ideas. Haha oh well! :) So after re-read this, I feel that I didn't do such a great job in getting across my point... I think I just rambled, but that's what 3 hours of sleep will do to you. Congrats again on finishing school and finishing strong Summertime! Just keep L-i-v-i-n!!!! ;)

Baby Slings at Nurtured Family