Tuesday, May 13, 2014

This and That Taking A Little Time To Stop And Smell The Roses

We have been so incredibly busy lately! Life has truly been eventful with the Christensen five. We are settling into our new life and routine with two newborn babies and a very busy, now three year old. I am attempting to follow a daily schedule and routine. I know, that as these babies start to get older and as Rich starts law school this Fall, life will only get,  yep... you guessed it, BUSIER THAN EVER!! I have attempted to sit down and blog several times over the past week and it seems someone always needs something each time I begin. Well, I guess it's just life as a wife and mother of three. I really wouldn't have it any other way! As we embrace this busy time in our life and as we settle into our new roles and embrace our new lifestyle as a family, we have been trying to make time to enjoy the little things in life. Making time to stop and smell the roses.
Robbie's Third Birthday
Last Monday, Robbie turned three years old! We had a little family party for him here at our house. Nothing big, just the grandparents, Aunt Becky and Auntie Summer and Auntie Judy. Robbie was thrilled! All he wanted was a cake with a fire truck on it and he was a happy camper. Here are a few photos from his little family party.
Robbie had the best time running around with these balloons.

Time to make a wish!

Yay, time to open gifts !

 And time to play with new birthday gifts!

It was nice to share Joey and Jake with the family!
This is Great Grandpa William Branch,  (Grandma Carla's Daddy) holding Joey.

Building 3 year old memories! Thank you, God.

Happy Birthday to our firstborn, precious son, Robbie!

 Thank you everyone for making Robbie's birthday so very special!
Rich and I decided to surprise Robbie and take him to Disneyland the day after his birthday! We woke-up bright and early last week and dropped off the babies at Gigi's house. We told Robbie that Tuesday morning, the three of us: Mommy, Daddy and Robbie were all going to spend the day at Disneyland! I have to admit... I don't know who was more excited? Robbie or myself :)
 Robbie loved the tea cup ride!
Bless the kind stranger who offered to take our picture! 

We also had the opportunity to see the Disney Junior Live On Stage show!
Robbie was thrilled to see all of his favorite Disney Junior friends in person!
The show was wonderful, filled with music and enchantment! Robbie and I knew all the words to just about every song and we enjoyed dancing and singing along! It was a great Disneyland day. :)

Happy Mother's Day
I had a perfect Mother's Day this year!  I was able to celebrate it as the mommy to three of the cutest little boys I know!

When I woke-up on Mother's Day morning, I opened my eyes to one adorable little face. Robbie was there to eagerly invite me to come into or dining room for a BIG surprise!

The boys had prepared a yummy breakfast just for me. Breakfast  included all of my favorites!
Robbie helped and was so proud of the precious card he chose for me.

What a nice day it was!

Well, it is early in the morning and my family will be up soon. I love waking-up to these three every morning. With twin newborns, our nights are long and filled with little sleep... so, we have learned to get rest where and whenever we can!

I am off to try to catch a few more minutes of sleep. :)

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