Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Third Birthday Robbie

This little guy is three today!!!
I know, I say this every year and I am sure I will continue to say this, but I  honestly can't believe how fast these three years have flown by!
Dear Robert,
Three years ago today Daddy and I were blessed. You came into our life and now we never want to go a day without seeing your beautiful smile!
Below is a picture of you on your first birthday...
Robbie's First Birthday

 and your second birthday...
Robbie's Second Birthday

What a great second year you've had ...
Photo: Happy Halloween Everyone, from the cutest mouse I know! :)

You are such a kind, smart, active, loving, care free little boy! You are a wonderful big brother with a kind spirit. We love you sweet pea!
Happy Birthday!



  1. Happy birthday, Sweet Robbie!! Love you!

  2. Making the most of each dayMay 6, 2014 at 11:47 PM

    He had a great day. I thank God for our three grandsons and for the gift of being involved in their lives! Love you. my darling grandson, Robbie! Your Gi Gi
