Friday, November 15, 2013

What's New . . .

Hello all! Well, we have all passed around our sick germs... I was sick all last week, Rich was sick for most of last week and for the better part of this week and on Monday, Robbie came down with a fever and the sniffles. :(  Praying for healing for our family! GiGi is walking around like a crazed person with a mask, a Lysol bottle, and ammonia in the laundry and dish water. We make fun of her all the time, and don't know what we would do without her!

My Mom bought a few pretty nighties for me to wear this past week while I wasn't feeling well. As comfortable as my sweats are, I must admit, putting on a feminine nightie just makes me feel better! 

Kelly's Korner

Today, I am linking -up with Kelly over at Kelly's Korner Blog... Kelly is doing a Local Blogger Link-up Connection party so bloggers can meet other bloggers in and around their hometown! If you are a regular reader of The Christensen's Camelot, please feel free to skip this little intro about myself. :) If you are new here and visiting from Kelly's Korner, Welcome!!! I love new readers! :)

Southern California Mommy Blogger 

Hello All! My name is Sarah Christensen. I am a daughter of The King, wife to my Marine and  Mama to my sweet little boy! I am an elementary school teacher turned SAHM ( Stay At Home Mom) and Military wife. I am loving every minute of this beautiful life! My husband Rich is a Captain in The Marine Corps. We live in Pasadena California. 

We recently found out we are expecting twin boys in March 2014! 

Follow us along on our journey as a young military family. The adventure of becoming first time parents, homeschooling, Junior League Adventures, my sewing, crafts and cooking ideas!  

Bible Study 

Wednesday was my BSF day and we had a great Bible Study on some of the miracles of Jesus, from the book of Matthew! Such inspiring and thought provoking scriptures. We studied the story of Jesus and the leper, Jesus and the storm at sea, casting out demons from men into pigs and a few others.

Our speaker talked all about; "Virtual Jesus" vs. "Real Jesus" ... such a powerful concept!
Virtual Jesus is the Jesus that the world accepts... the world says things like; "my Jesus would never condemn, my Jesus is accepting and tolerant of everyone and every lifestyle.  My Jesus can be found all around, he is a tree, a sunset a pretty flower. He was a good prophet, etc...

Real Jesus is much different than Virtual Jesus, it goes without saying that Real Jesus is well, ... real. He is the Jesus that I  know and love, the Jesus that the Bible speaks of. Real Jesus is the son of man, son of God who rose from the dead after dying on the cross to pay our debt with God. Real Jesus lives, and He is not tolerant of sin. He loves sinners, but hates sin. Why do so many people hate Jesus? One of my very wise teachers said that people don't hate Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. Because everyone knows they are not REAL. Such detest for Jesus is almost fearful because deep within one's DNA is a God-centered-emptiness for their creator to fill .If God isn't real in your life, that is an issue between you and God.

Happy Birthday Katie ! 

I would like to say a Happy Birthday to my dear, sweet friend, Katy. Happy Birthday sweet friend, have been thinking about you all week!! Miss you so much and love you!! :) I will always remember fondly; our Washington and Quantico days!

Christmas Shopping . . . 

We are shopping for a refrigerator and a washer/dryer today. I am very tired. My mom said I better start thinking about my Christmas list so we will be prepared. She says that every year. I don't know if we ever had a Christmas being fully prepared.

Here's a question for you in reader land: What day/date do you start preparing for Christmas? When do you put up your manger and tree? When do you gift-wrap, and when do you feel you are done? I would so love to hear from you, please?

Oh and before I go... this has become my new obsession...

Winter Dream Tea Latte from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf...
It truly is Christmas in a cup! :) 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah!

    I try to begin Christmas shopping as early as possible. Past that, I don't put up Christmas decor up until after Thanksgiving. I like to give each holiday it's turn. As far as wrapping gifts goes, I try to get it done early, but it's usually last minute. :/
