Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Blessing of Boys

We are having twin BOYS!!! 


Today was my 20 week ultrasound and we found out we have been blessed with TWO beautiful, healthy twin BOYS!!! Praise Jesus! I am seeing all blue and I am thrilled that the Lord has given Rich and me the honor of raising these boys to become men for the Lord! 

Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at http://www.etsy.com/listing/119944100/take-a-walk-on-the-wild-side-raise-boys

I am now the mama of THREE boys and I am already praying for my future daughter in-laws to be Christian women of virtue. 

The phone has been ringing off the hook and both family and friends have been so kind with their well wishes! 

I have been asked by some people if I am terribly disappointed that we are not having a girl? To be perfectly honest, no, I am not disappointed at all. Although a girl would have been nice. It is God's will for us to raise boys, and we graciously thank Him and strive to do right with His children, according to His purpose and plans. They are God's children, we have just been chosen to raise them-up for His glory! I told GiGi she will just have to put her pink booties away in the closet and wait to see who God blesses us with for baby number 4 ??? :) 

Meet our boys...

Joseph Michael Christensen

( Joey is breech and laying just above my cervix. )

Jacob Jonathan Christensen

( Jake is way up high just under my rib cage. Which explains why I have had trouble taking in deep
breaths lately. :) ) 

We love you Joey & Jake and we can't wait to meet you! 

 I'm 19 Weeks! 
I am 19 weeks and didn't post a tummy picture just yet because we have all been sick around our house. I had a sinus infection for most of last week, Rich has the flu and thank God Robbie is healthy and has not caught our germs. Here is a quick picture I snapped this morning just before my doctor appointment.

As soon as she got the news that the twins are boys, my sweet Aunt Becky went shopping and came over tonight with all of this...

Our little men will be styling! 

I'm ready for this adventure!! Tonight I go to bed a very blessed woman...I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, a beautiful son and now we have two more little little guys on the way!  
The next year will be interesting and I am ready and waiting to see what the Lord has planned for this Mommy and Daddy to three under the age of three!

Thank you for all of your prayers and sweet messages!



  1. I am SO EXCITED for you guys! You're amazing parents and Joey and Jake are so blessed to have you! I can't wait to meet them!!

  2. So exciting! And such cute outfits! I'm sure you can't wait to see your sweet boys in them. :)
