Yay, we are over the hump of the week and moving right on into the weekend! Yesterday, Robbie and I spent our day running errands all around town. We had to run to Target, Trader Joe's, Michaels Craft Store and spent the day searching for a dress for me to wear to The Marine Corps Birthday Ball,which is this Sunday! Whew!!! Well, I found my dress and I LOVE it!!!! I will post pics on Monday after the ball.
Here we are enjoying our lunch date at Panera
Here we are enjoying our lunch date at Panera

Robbie in his baby carrier at Target, I love this thing!

We Officially Have A Crawler!

The most EXCITING news this week is, drum roll please . . . WE HAVE A CRAWLER in the house!!!! Robert has been toying with the idea of crawling for the past few weeks. It is just adorable to watch him push his little bottom high up in the air like an inch worm. Well, on Tuesday night, Rich came home early from work. We were letting Robbie have tummy time on the carpet, when all of the sudden his little inch worm scoots turned into a full on crawl!! I will tell you, Robbie has not yet perfected his crawl, but it is definitely a crawl that gets him from one side of the room to the other!! My little man turns six months old this week! I guess Daddy and I have our work of baby proofing the house cut out for us! :) Weekend project. . .
Oh, I almost forgot. Yesterday, I put out our little family of scarecrows in our front yard ( this is why I had to go to Michael's). The scarecrows were 40 % off plus my 10% military discount, I paid 9 dollars for the whole family, including the cat! Here we are, The Christensen Bunch. Rich, me , Robbie and our cat Maverick. Other than the pumpkins on our front porch, these are my only outdoor Thanksgiving decorations.
And speaking of being thankful. Yesterday, while at Trader Joe's. I had my hands FULL! I was pushing a HUGE cart, I had Robbie in the sling and I was trying to keep my cart from rolling off and hitting another car, while putting away my groceries. A dear man in his early 30's approached me. I could tell that this sweet soul was mentally handicapped in some way. He walked a little off and sounded a little strange. He said hello, as did I. The dear man said; " you look like you could use some help.", he then held my cart for me while I put my groceries away and then took the cart and put it back for me. When he came back to the car, I thanked him and he told me; "no problem Miss, I could just tell you had your hands full and I helped you. Now, have a nice day and get your little baby home." when I got in the car, I smiled all the way home thinking of this kind soul. Here he was with a limp and all, yet he still had a kind heart towards strangers! This man,(who because of his outward challenges, many would dismiss and ignore him) wanted nothing more but to be a kind soul . . . a good Samaritan. This man had Jesus in his heart. He will never know how much he blessed my whole day. This reminded me to always be kind to others. It also reminded me of the scripture in Hebrews:" Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. 3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13: 1-3
Yesterday, this man was my angel. :)
Have a great day friends and be kind to those around you.
Blessings, Sarah

1 comment:
awwww!!! look at him go!!! cutie pie!!
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