I always feel a little sad when it's time to take down all my Christmas decorations. My Mom decorates her home beautifully for every holiday! This year I thought it might be fun to decorate our bar area leading from the dining room to the kitchen for the month of January with a winter theme! I usually have a cookbook out that goes with the theme. I think it cheers up a home to decorate for the Holidays! Here is what I came up with. :)
Blessings, Sarah
I was on the internet today, browsing for some "decorating after the holidays" ideas. I am a former elementary school teacher with a husband who is in the military reserves. One of your bible verses resonated with me and I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and your family today. Specifically, I am praying for strength for you as a military wife and for wisdom as you and your husband raise that darling little boy. May He protect you in all your endeavors this year.
Prayers and Best Wishes from Texas!
What a testimony through the internet! Keep it up. Best Wishes and God's blessing on you and your family as you serve HIM! Thank you for not being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Great post.
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