Saturday, April 2, 2016
Have You Filled A Bucket Today?
Ahh, Spring is truly in the air in Southern California! Hello Friends, Happy April. We have been enjoying the most gorgeous, warm, but not too hot days. Our mornings have been sunny with a small crisp in the air and our afternoons are long with beautiful sunsets. We simply had a lovely Easter, (which I will post all about tomorrow). Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about April Fool's Day.
April Fool's Day is know as a day to play tricks on people and tell foolish tales. Well, April Fool's Day also happens to be... my birthday! No foolin'! ;)
I turned 33 years old yesterday! Wow, I can't believe it!! I can hardly look back in my rearview mirror at high school and yet... it seems like it was just yesterday, (when in reality... I graduated high school almost sixteen years ago!). Since then I have finished college, taught children, married, traveled the country as a Marine wife, had three little boys and gained a few pounds and gray hairs to boot!
Do you know what? I wouldn't change a single thing! I love my boys, my husband, my family and my few gray hairs and extra pounds! All of these things make up thirty three years of ... ME!!
All day on my birthday, I couldn't help but think about thirty three as being the age that Jesus was when he died! oh my goodness... thirty three seems so young to die and yet, look at all that Jesus accomplished in his short life! As we were driving around on my birthday, running errands and riding in the car. I began to realize that Jesus' accomplishments weren't actually the miracles themselves, but had more to do with how His life impacted others. Jesus' accomplishments had more to do with His relationships with those around him. All of this led me to ask myself this question... "How have I impacted others in my thirty three years?" Whew!! What a BIG question! I feel completely satisfied in knowing that what little I have accomplished in my small little life has absolutely NOTHING to do with prestige, higher education, wealth, fame, or beauty, No, all of those thing are nice to have, for a little while... I'm sure. No, in my thirty three years I hope that how I have impacted others is through Jesus. I truly value my relationships with others far more than the material things of the world. How as a society have we gotten so far away from what truly matters? So, as I sit here and type this, an old woman of thirty three years of age. I am most thankful for, blessed by and truly honored by the following; I have a family, I have a husband who loves me and works so hard for me and for my boys. I am a mother. I have three beautiful little boys who look at me like I am the greatest person in the entire world, ( no matter how I look or feel, they love me). I wake-up every day and although it is often hard and exhausting, I am able to stay home with my children and homeschool them and watch them grow... these beautiful little people. I am a friend and a daughter. I am a daughter in-law, a sister-in-law and a sister in Christ, but most of all... I am a daughter of my King... In all honesty, that's it right there, "I am a daughter of my King" , that is all that truly matters! So in my thirty three years, or forty three years or even if I live to be one hundred and thirty three, nothing else I ever say or do will ever matter more than those seven little words... I AM A DAUGHTER OF MY KING!
So all of this got mr thinking about a children's book. My sweet friend, Aimee gave my little boys this wonderful book! Thank you Aimee, for passing this onto our family, this book has instantly become a family favorite and a classic in The Christensen Home!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
A Week In Photos...
Last Thursday was St. Patrick's Day! My kids honestly are such a melting pot mixture of several different nationalities! Yes, we are mutts indeed and we love it that way!! My children are Irish, Mexican, Danish, German, Italian, French, English and Scottish... whew, I think that's everything! Here are a few quick photos of my little clovers!
On Friday, we took a little trip to Ikea! Oh how I LOVE Ikea!!! I could honestly spend an entire day there all by myself!
Let me tell you, going to Ikea with three little boys... can be, well... a DISASTER!! Thanks to Gigi for going with us and making the day a little easier on Mommy!
Robbie, (our oldest son), is 4 1/2 years old... almost five! Robbie has a passion and love for Soccer! We have had him involved in private soccer clinics since he was three. He is still a little too young to join a Soccer team. We want him to continue to play until Fall, so Kidz Love Soccer clinic is the next best thing. Robbie has Soccer every Saturday morning. Here is a quick snap shot of him!
Saturday, after Soccer, we took the kids to lunch in a fun little town, (just north of us and not too far from Los Angeles) called, Montrose!
Montrose has the most adorable little old town. A fun street filled with cute little shops, antique stores, restaurants and more.
The boys had so much fun riding these little old fashioned toys at the local toy store!
On Sunday, we celebrated Palm Sunday at our church, which is the start of Holy Week, leading to Easter!
Robbie was so excited to be able to be part of the Palm Sunday celebration service. All of the little children were able to come to, "Big Church" (as Robbie calls it) and wave their palms during service!
Jacob was tired during service and was more interested in running up and down the halls. Joey loved holding on to and waving his palm with his little hands.
I love the evenings that Rich is home from school/ work and able to spend time and take place in our evening/ bedtime routines! ( I will be posting a bedtime routine video on our Youtube channel soon). Here are a few pictures of my boys wrestling before bed time!
We did lots fun home school activities and science experiments during the week.
This week, we are celebrating Holy Week, by reading the stories leading up to the Easter story.
Yesterday was Monday, the boys and I had a fun afternoon playing with PlayDough and banging pots and pans around in their kitchen.
I had a doctor's appointment in the late afternoon. I never thought sitting in a waiting room reading magazines could be a little mini vacation, "me time", but to this mama it was wonderful!
On Monday evening, my parents came over to watch the boys. Rich and I were able to enjoy a wonderful evening out. We went to a great little Italian place. I have always wanted to go there! The food was great, but the company and conversation were even better!!
That's it friends! See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Twice The Love For Two Year Old Twins...
Happy 2nd Birthday,
Joey & Jacob !!
Joey & Jacob !!
On Friday, our little twin boys, Joseph and Jacob celebrated their second birthday! Oh my goodness, I am the mother of a four year old and twin two year old boys! I am so thankful for these two darling little blessings!
We usually celebrate first birthdays with a big family/friend party. Second birthdays tend to be a little more mild around our home, but you know what? Second year birthdays are my favorite! I love two year olds!! I know some people talk about, "the terrible twos", but I think they are terrific!! Two year olds love to discover and learn new things. To a two year old, the world is full of wonder, innocence and delight! Two year olds remind me of the beautiful scripture in the Bible from Matthew.
On Friday, we had a small family dinner at our house. Nothing fancy, just pizza and cupcakes. The boys had the best time with their cupcakes, you would have thought we had given them gold!
My parents, (Gigi and Bampa, as the twins lovingly call them), came to celebrate.
Love that potty!
Blowing out our birthday cupcakes!

Time for more presents!
First day we found out we were expecting TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August, 2013
Two buns in the oven for almost nine months!
It's go time!! Delivery Day!
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014
Let's get these little boys out to see the world! Mama is more than READY!!
We made it to about 35 week after a long pregnancy of four months of complete bed rest.
They're HERE!!!
Daddy and the new big brother, Robbie!!
And then... things started moving really fast!!!!
Year one was a blast and also pretty BUSY!
As you can tell, we fall more and more in love with these little guys each and everyday!
We love you so much little boys! Joseph and Jacob, we are so blessed to have you and to know you! Happy Birthday, sweet boys!
This will be a great year!
Mommy & Daddy
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