Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Whole Enchilada ...

I had originally started this post about a week or so ago and never published it, or so I thought! I left the screen on and in between taking care of two teething babies, a  certain three year old with busy little hands, must have hit the publish button on this post. I only had half of our Sunday night drive in story written. So without further adieu.... here is the whole enchilada! I have also thrown in an extra little story, another BIG moment from The Christensen's Camelot!

I invite you to grab a cup of coffee or tea or whatever you fancy, sit back and join us on another one of our adventures!

Daddy's First Day Of Law School !
Before I begin to tell our Drive-In Movie Night story, I wanted to share that Monday was my hubby's first day of Law School! Yay for Rich! We are only two days in, and already the days are long and  arduous for Rich. He leaves around six in the morning and didn't get home until nine thirty last night. I am trying to be as supportive as I can be, (and after a little pep talk from my mother), I am figuring out the balance of being a supportive wife, a good mother and learning to manage and keep the home running well for the next three years of Law School! Thank goodness the Lord already started preparing me for this type of task throughout Rich's military career!
Robbie and I planned a little First Day of School party for Daddy on Monday evening!
I feel like one of those doting moms who posts a picture on Pinterest of her son's first day of school for the year! Yes, I am fully aware I will be that mother! ha ha :)
We ordered a Mrs. Field's cookie cake for Daddy. About a month ago while at the mall, as we passed the Mrs. Field's Cookie stand, Rich shared with me that as a child he always wanted and hoped for one of these cookie cakes on his birthday, but never got one. I had remembered and wanted to surprise him with his very own cookie cake!
So here is the one we chose for him!
One little boy in particular was EXTREMELY excited to try the cookie cake!
Here are all four of my boys!
Robbie and Gigi decorated the house with Rich's school colors of Purple and Gold!
I ordered Mexican food from one of his favorite Mexican restaurants!  
Yummy cheese enchiladas, rice, beans, chips, salsa and guacamole!
My parents and Aunt Becky came to help us celebrate!
 We love you Rich and are all so proud of you! Happy first day of the rest of your life! Many blessings and strength from the Lord!
Sunday Night Drive- In Movie

Show of hands, how many of you have been to the Drive-In to watch a movie in your car? I can remember my parents taking me to the Drive In as a little girl. Sadly, now Drive In's are few and far between and possibly something our children's generation will never know. :(
So what better way to spend a dreary, balmy, HOT August evening than at the Drive In Movie Theatre with friends?!
Here's what we did...
Robbie and I invited our good friends Miss Aimee, Miss Liz, Angelica and Christian to come to our house. 
We spent the whole week preparing for the evening.
Robbie and Gigi helped me with all of the details!
Our feature presentation for the evening was... yep, you guessed it,
 Here I am with Liz and the babies.
Gigi helped so much and I played photographer! Here is a photo of Liz and me with my twinies!
Oh and speaking of the twinies... guess who our little ushers were for the evening?

We had each child line-up in order from oldest to youngest. Once they were in line we gave each of them a little hand made pouch, ( made by Gigi)  filled with the following tickets for them to use throughout the movie.
Here is Angelica getting her pouch and tickets!
Here's Christian waiting patiently for his tickets!
Here is my little guy waiting for his tickets as well!

Okay, they have their tickets now it's time for the movie!

 Then it was time to line-up and receive their movie night boxes filled with a flash light, drinking sippy cups and more.

Then we told the children to line-up from youngest to oldest to enter the Drive-In and find their cars!

Each of the children handed us their movie ticket before entering.

Time to find their cars! I made the cars by spray painting paper plates black for tires. Gigi came up with the idea to use old cd's on the tires for hub caps. I found solar garden lights to use as head lights. I used foil to make their license plates.

See the little license plates with their names ?

When they got in their cars they found these little drivers licenses I made for them!
Here are our little drivers!

I gave each child their own blanket and pillow to snuggle with during the movie and to take home.

This is how we wrapped their flashlights.

 Sweet Angelica held Robbie's hand during the scary parts of the movie.


We took an intermission halfway through the movie. Time for the snack Bar!
After the movie, Gigi let the kids blow-up their own balloons.

 Then, the kids enjoyed a fun game of Alphabet Bingo!
Finally, we let the boys end the night making dinosaurs with  play dough while little miss Angelica learned how to start crocheting with Gigi!

Busy little men! 
Even Mema Liz, joined in on the fun!
                                Angelica was very proud of her long chain that she crocheted!

                                                                     Such patience!

We feasted on popcorn, candy and pizza!
At the end of the night I felt like this!

We also had one of our adorable little ushers fall asleep before the party was over!
We had a great time at the Drive-In!
Before I go for the day, I wanted to wish this little girl a Happy First Day of First Grade!
Blessings friends,


  1. You guys did such a great job with the drive in! I bet they loved it!! I love the little usher outfits! Congrats on starting, Rich!

  2. I had no idea what I was going to cook for dinner tonight and you mentioning having mexican food for Rich's party reminded me of a recipe. Thanks! ;)

    That drive-in movie night was such a fun idea! I'll have to do that with Declan when he is a little older. :)
