Friday, June 20, 2014

Who's That Crunchy Mama?

Happy Friday friends! Ahh, the end of a long and busy week. What do you love about Friday or look forward to? Friday night is our Date Night with my favorite little three year old!

Rich and I take Robbie on his own little Date Night every Friday. Nobody else goes, the babies stay with GiGi and Grandpa Ray and it is two hours of fun with our little guy! We usually head over to the mall and ride the carousel. Now that Summer is upon us and it is warmer  and stays lighter later into the evening, we have been enjoying the Summer Movie series at our local park!
A few weeks ago we went to see Frozen ...

and tonight is Monster's University

I thought it might be nice to share some of my new favorite things this Friday!
In what originally started as an attempt to lose my baby weight, ( which is a little harder when it is the second baby, let alone the baby weight from twins!!!!).  Rich and I started a diet, well we are calling it a way of life now. We have gone totally organic, green , granola whatever you want to call it. I am totally ready to pack-up and move to Spokane, gather fresh eggs from my chickens and vegetables from my garden while homeschooling my three boys!

Okay, so maybe I am jumping ahead of myself just a tad. I have a habit of doing that :)!  We love eating this way and we are now going on three weeks of eating nothing but whole non processed foods! I feel a thousand times better, no sodas, no juices just water. We have had no refined sugar, (well at least Rich and I haven't), and I truly believe we are all better for it! I am even considering going cloth diapers all the way, (Rich is not totally convinced about this part just yet.). I still believe it is okay to indulge in favorite foods once in a while and have a cheat day, everything in moderation right? Yes, I have converted to the crunchy side of life .... bring on the crunchy mama! :)

I found this amazing site and I just love Genevieve over at Mama Natural!

Genevieve Pazdan banner Genevieve Pazdan: A Natural Mama Living In A Processed World [YouTube NextUp Creator Profile Series]

Since our convert, I have started researching what we put in our body and on our body and here are some of my new favorite things!

Robbie is still allowed treat and fun things... I mean he is a kid after all! I have been trying to cut back on his refined sugar intake and give him more whole, natural snacks! Here are just a few of Rob's new favorite treats!

You can find these yummy breakfast bars at Trader Joe's, I think they even have a Pumpkin bar!
He also loves these fruit crusher squeezes!

One of our new favorite afternoon snacks is truly a revelation! I am in love with a simple, healthy sweet treat that your family will love!

Apples, Nut Butter & Honey

Yep, it's as simple as that a Pink Lady apple with a little bit of peanut butter, or as we love to use Almond Butter,( shh! Robbie has no idea I made the switch on him!). After I smear a little on and then... wait for it... I drizzle a tiny bit of honey all over the apple slices! Oh my goodness!!!! AMAZING!!! :)

Tummy Time

Tummy Time has been big here at our house the past month! The boys had their three month Well Baby appointment this past week. They are growing so well and that makes me so happy because they were so little at birth! We opted to not do any vaccines just yet. I am still researching like crazy!!! With Robbie we did an alternative vaccine schedule by following Doctor Sears.

I just ordered this off of Amazon last night to help with Tummy Time and to give the boys a little change of routine.

The Infantino Right Angle Tummy Triangle!
Infantino Right Angle Tummy Triangle
I will give you all a product review as soon as we try it out!

One last thing... we found these scrumptious vegan cookies at Whole Foods that Robbie just went bananas over!

Super yummy, but a tad bit pricey!
So, I have been on a quest this week to find a good, healthy cookie recipe for my little man!
Ahh Pinterest, you never fail me! Let's see what you come up with! To be Continued...

Well, that's all for today friends and faithful readers!
I am trying to make it a  habit to blog on a daily basis again.

I leave you with this funny little video from Mama Natural.


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