Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed ...


Grateful, Thankful, Blessed is the theme for the past week at our house. It was a busy week! It was Holy week and we enjoyed a quiet Easter at our home this year. Combine all of that, plus the overall busy day to day responsibilities of having two newborns and a toddler... and life can feel a little overwhelming at times. My husband found out last week that he was accepted into several Law Schools for the 2014 Fall school year! We are so excited and we are trusting in God for His guidance as to which school Rich will choose to attend
  I had originally started this post last week, on April 11th, when my sweet little twins turned one month old! Funny, because although we have had them here with us for the past month, their actual due date was April 7th...
... which means they would only just now be a little over one week old.

One Month Old

We love you Joey and Jake and we are so very Grateful, Thankful and oh so Blessed to be your parents! It is my life's work and greatest joy to be your Mommy! I love you two and your big brother Robbie more than words could ever describe! You both have adorable little smiles, big bright eyes and the sweetest little spirits!  You are both wearing newborn size diapers, ( and oh boy, do you go through so many of those diapers each day). On a daily basis I would say we go through 20 to 22 diapers between the two of you! You are nursing so well these days, bit still supplementing with formula! You are wearing newborn size clothes. Joey, I would guess you are around 8lbs now and Jake, I would say you are just over 7 1/2 lbs.
Happy one month boys! :)

Thank you Debbie and Gary for the wonderful USC Trojan football outfits!! Fight on!!!

Good Friends
I've said it before and I will say it again... God is SO good and he truly has blessed us with wonderful friends!

Last week, our dear friends, the Adams brought us dinner and gifts and excellent company and fellowship! Amanda is another sweet and genuine lady that I met in high school. Amanda, her husband Richard and their adorable little girl Paige all came for a visit. Amanda is expecting their second child this October and I couldn't be more thrilled for them!
Amanda and Richard showered us with a wonderful Italian dinner, diapers, wipes, baby clothes and more. They also gave me a Mommy spa package full of candles, bath salts and scrubs and lotion along with a Magna Doodle for Robbie.
I loved watching Amanda hold the babies. Paige held our little Jacob and was so gentle and tender.
Last weekend, the boys had a few other dear friends come by for a visit. Our dear friends, The Harts came over one afternoon. It was so nice catching-up with them.  Debbie and Gary brought the boys these adorable USC ( University of Southern California .... Fight On!!!) onesies as pictured above! They also brought the most adorable little tag blankies for each of them and a wonderful children's book for Robbie. So kind of you to think of us Debbie and Gary! We love you both!
The boys also enjoyed a visit from our dear friend Vickie and Auntie Summer !
Hunting For Easter Eggs 
On Saturday morning, we took Robbie to an Easter egg hunt held at one of our local parks. Robbie, Daddy and I dropped the twins off at Gigi's and went to the hunt.

Empty Egg basket before the egg hunt.

 Daddy and Robbie choosing the best egg gathering strategy!
 and their off...
 Yay!! Look at all those eggs!!
Robbie was so excited to see the firemen!!

 So much fun!
 I will put try to post pictures from our Easter tomorrow. :)

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