Wednesday, April 2, 2014

31 Years Old

Happy Birthday to me! Yesterday I celebrated my thirty first birthday!
What a difference a year makes!  Last year, I celebrated turning thirty while Rich, (my husband) was deployed over seas. My heart was sad and not complete with him away.  This year, my heart is overjoyed and full! One year later and we are now a family of five... all because two little ones have joined us. I am a mommy to three little darling boys and I couldn't be happier!
Yes, my thirties have brought children, sippy cups, diapers and more. I now drive a mini van, listen to toddler songs while driving and seem to always have a Cheerio or Goldfish cracker stuck to my hair or some other random part of my body.  I haven't made me time in years, I haven't had a full night's sleep in quite some time. This is our life... and I LOVE it this way! It's funny how your interests and priorities change as you grow older each year.
I am sure that if fourteen years ago, someone had told these two young eighteen year old kids that this is how their life would be at 31 years old, they would have been shocked to even imagine ever being this old!
I celebrated my birthday with my family. I have to take a moment to give a big thank you to all of our family. I have truly been blessed with an amazing family! Everyone has been so helpful since we have welcomed our little twins into the family. I have been so sleep deprived and truly exhausted!
My Mom has come over everyday to help change diapers, rock, feed and do laundry...
My Aunt Becky has helped out so much with the babies as well as helped keep my little Robbie entertained and happy! Rich's family has been so wonderful as well!
My Mother In-Law Carla has brought tons of diapers, burp cloths, clothes and made us a weeks worth of meals and filled my freezer! We are so thankful to our family for everything!
My Aunt Becky came over yesterday morning brought us all lunch and looked after Robbie and the babies while I took a much needed shower. I might add how wonderfully blissful and valuable a 15 minute shower becomes once you have three small children! Ahh, a time to think and just be to myself for 15 uninterrupted minutes! When I got out of the shower, Aunt Becky and Robbie had decorated my living room to celebrate my birthday!

My Mom brought over cake and a wonderful birthday dinner!

Love my boy!
Robbie is the BEST birthday candle helper! Make a wish!!

At the end of the day, I am a year older, a little wiser and my heart is a little more full!


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