Monday, January 13, 2014

A Cheery Monday

Good afternoon everyone! It is a beautiful, bright and cheery Monday here in Pasadena California. It is such a clear day, that when I look out our living room window, it almost feels as if I could reach out and touch the mountains! :) This is a view of these gorgeous mountains from the nearest main street just below our house.

 We are ALL still staying at our new home in Pasadena while my mom's house re-cooperates from the fumigation fiasco next door! We all survived, our marble counter tops were replaced yesterday and the subway tile back splash and beautiful flooring is now complete in my new kitchen! All that is left to do is paint and decorate! I have a beautiful little garden window just above my new farmhouse apron front sink. Originally, I thought the window was outdated, dingy and old. My Mom has been trying to convince me for months now that I should keep the window and use the top shelf to house African Violets and the bottom shelf for a small herb garden. Well, for the past several hours my Mom has been hard at work cleanings, prepping and planting to make this little garden window just perfect for me. Thanks mom, I couldn't do it without you and I just don't have the vision like you! Pictures soon to follow! :)

I'm Married To A College Boy Again

The day I said I would be this college boy's wife
October 2007

Let's see... today I am officially in love with a college boy! Ha ha. My husband is back in school, only this time for graduate school. Rich finished his bachelor's degree years ago, before the Marines and before we were married. Now that he is not active duty with the Corps anymore, he is heading back to Grad-school. Rich is currently applying to two very competitive graduate programs which will both start next September. We are asking for God's wisdom and guidance and trusting that the Lord will open all the right doors to whichever program and career path He sees fit for Rich's life. We are not sharing which programs until he is accepted. We just ask for your prayer for wisdom and guidance for my husband. In the meantime, today Rich started taking some of the pre-requisite courses at our local Junior College to give him a head start for these Grad-programs. Both programs are completely different from Rich's original B.A Business degree.

Rich came home from his first class this morning hopeful and feeling like an old 31 year old man next to some of these college students. Bless his heart, he looked adorable with his backpack and new notebooks and pencils. This morning when we woke-up, I told Robbie to give Daddy a kiss and tell him to have a good day at school. Robbie smiled and giggled a little and asked if Daddy was going to learn his ABC's at school!

Loudly Sing Coo Coo

This afternoon, while Robbie napped, my Mom and I watched one of my favorite movies...
... "Sarah Plain and Tall". Do any of you remember reading this book as a child? When I was doing my student teaching in a fourth grade class, I can remember reading this book with the class. I also read it when I was in elementary school.

I love everything about this book and movie. The movie really does live up to the book's high standard. The love story is fabulous, the characters are heart warming and if we do give birth to our fourth boy ever, I am determined to name him Caleb!! I think maybe Caleb Matthew Christensen. After dear little Caleb from this charming book. Those of you who have read the book or watched the movie know how kind and dear of a character Caleb is.

In the middle of the movie, Robbie walked-in during a scene where the children and Sarah were singing a sweet little song called :"Sumer Is Icumen In"It is a medieval English rota of the mid-13th century. The title translates approximately to "Summer Has Come In" or "Summer Has Arrived". Robbie started singing this charming song along with me, Gigi, and the children in the movie. He lay his little head upon my tummy and sang it to the twins. You could see many little kicks almost in rhythm with the song, This is a forever moment for me.
Hope your afternoon was lovely!

1 comment:

  1. I love Sarah, Plain and Tall. One of my favorites. I will have to re-read it and watch the movie again. :)
