Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Wreaths Across America & Jingle Day 4

Wreaths Across America 

Good morning friends! Today I wanted to first share a cause that is near and dear to my heart! Each Christmas thousands of Christmas wreaths are placed on the graves of fallen service men and women who are truly American heroes. These men and women have laid down their lives and given up so much for freedom...
Here is a short article about the wreath shortage:

"This year, though, the non-profit group behind the gesture says donations are down, and they're struggling to get enough support to lay a wreath at every Arlington headstone.

Wreaths Across America and its hundreds of volunteers take time out of their holiday season to both lay and pick up wreaths. However, its chairman says that sponsorships at Arlington are down, perhaps because typical donors are giving locally instead.

That's leaving the group about 35,000 wreaths short of their goal of laying 135,000 of the floral circles.
Wreaths Across America. Chairman Wayne Hanson says that anyone can log on and donate toward the cause; $15 will make another wreath available to a fallen servicemember's grave.

Many buried at Arlington are from wars long ago and their families are long gone; for them, these wreaths may be the only visitors they get all year.
"We're here to honor those who make that ultimate sacrifice," Hanson said. "We don't want to forget them."
This year's wreath laying will take place on Dec. 14 at 10 a.m. If you'd like to donate to the cause, you can visit

There is no preregistration required to participate in the laying - one just needs to show up.

$ 15 dollars is nothing compared to what these heroes have endured! I ask you to give-up your latte for two or three days in order to help honor one of these heroes! :) 

The Adventures of Jingle: Day

Well, this morning, we awoke to find Jingle engaged in a Christmas reading session with a few of his new friends! 

They were all there... Elmo, Baby Robert, Snoopy and Stuffy the Dragon...
... I guess you could say Jingle doesn't waste time making friends! 

Robbie got a tickle out of watching Jingle read to; " his babies" ! 

 Here is the note Jingle left for us this morning....

After we read Jingle's note, we decided to read the book he left for us...

... The book was so cute and all about a little mouse who saved Christmas!

Today we are going to go shopping and purchase a few of our favorite Christmas books to donate to our local Mother's Club of Pasadena. Mother's Club is a non-profit organization that teaches second language mother's of young Pre-schoolers how to instill a love of reading in their young child's life.

25 Nights OF Family Christmas Movies 

STAY TUNED!  The World Premiere of Everything Twas is TOMORROW! Monday, November 25th!!  Subscribe on YouTube NOW!!

Night 5

Last night we watched another holiday classic children's movie...

We had a blast watching the movie all snuggled-up! 

I am so excited because tonight at 8:00p.m / 7 central on NBC Carrie Underwood will
star in The Sound Of Music!! 

My favorite musical of all times!
When I was in high school, I starred in a community theatre production of  The Sound of Music 
at The Sierra Madre Playhouse.

 I played Louisa, one of the older children.
Before I go, I found this picture of my Mom and me from a Christmas long ago! :) 


1 comment:

  1. Making The Most of Each Day:

    Elmo looks like he is tipping over. There is always a wise guy! Absolutely adorable, sorry, I was sleeping. I want to donate a book too!
    Love you,
    Mom, Robin
