Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 to 22 & Everything In-Between

It's December 1st, 25 days until Christmas and I thought it might be fun to do 25 Acts of Random Kindness each day from now until Christmas... here are some ideas I have in mind and have found on Pinterest.

 Write or type up 25 ideas of things you can randomly do for other people from December 1-25 and with each one, you leave a little note about what you are doing and see if people can Pay It Forward.  You seal them up and everyday, you pick a new one and do whatever is on that card.
Here are some ideas: 
~ Buy the coffee of the person behind you in line at the drive through or just in line.
~ Give candy canes to people you meet throughout the day with a “Happy Holidays” and a smile.
~ Buy food to donate to your local Food Bank or the food donation boxes at the grocery store.
~ Take your neighbors trash can in and leave a treat at the backdoor for them. Cookies, candy, a card, etc.
~ Help your teacher clean up and bring them a gift.
~ Make Christmas cards and bring them to the hospital to be handed out to the patients.
~ Adopt a Soldier and send a care package.
~ Let each child pick out a toy and buy it and donate it to Toys for Tots.
~ Make a card and leave it and a treat for the mail lady on a cold day.
~ Donate change to the Salvation Army and give the bell ringers a warm drink.
~ Hold the doors open everywhere you go for people who’s hands are full or who look like they’re having a bad day.

 I just love Sunday, don't you? We got up early and went to breakfast at another one of my favorite little Mexican restaurants, Rudy's! Can you tell Mexican food has become a staple and craving in my pregnancy diet! :) I ordered (and devoured I might add) the MOST delicious Chorizo with homemade corn tortillas, chips, salsa and rice!!! Oh my word, I was in heaven!!! :) 

carpet sample image

We also ordered our carpet for our family room at the house! All of our furniture in the family room is a Mission Oak Craftsman style... lots of browns, deep reds, greens and woods. I have been very persistent about having the family room carpeted, because I know we will have three little boys under 3 years old crawling, running, rolling and playing trucks on the carpet. Now to choose our paint color for the walls. 

I'm also pretty excited, because we have decided to plant a Maple tree in our front yard! I know I will enjoy looking out my bedroom window and admiring the leaves change with the seasons.
 I am smitten with the Fire Maple tree! 

 22 Weeks 

Oh and yes, I am embracing the Zebra print! :) 

In the photo on the left, I was 22 weeks with Robbie on January 4, 2011
The photo on the right was taken this afternoon December 1, 2013 at 22 weeks with Joey and Jake.


How Far Along: 22 Weeks and counting!

Size of baby: Little Joey & Jake are both the size of papayas. 10.5 to 11.8 in length and weigh about 12.7 to 20.8 oz each! 
Babies Development This Week: Watch what you say -- the babies are now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Maternity Clothes: Just ANYTHING that is comfortable!!!!

Gender: TWO BOYS!!!!! 
Joseph Michael Christensen & Jacob Jonathan Christensen 

Movement: I've been feeling both boys move a lot!

Sleep: Not sleeping as well lately.

What I miss: I REALLY want a hot dog!!!!

Cravings: Tangerines, fruit and ANYTHING citrus!!

Symptoms: Trouble getting out of bed in the morning while laying flat on my back. ha ha :) Also, a little shortness of breath in my ribs.

Best Moment this week: Just love going to bed each night and waking up every morning to tummy kisses from Robbie! He is so excited to become a BIG brother!! :) 

Happy December 1st! We are off to Target to pick out a new Christmas movie! 

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