Monday, November 18, 2013

It's Monday

Happy Birthday Grandma Carla 

It's Monday November 18th and today is Grandma Carla's Birthday! 
The picture above was taken last year on her birthday. 
Look how little Robbie was. They grow so quickly!! :) 

Last year on Grandma Carla's birthday we started her on a Pandora Charm bracelet. 
Every Christmas, Birthday and  Mother's Day we try to give Grandma Carla a charm that represents that occasion. 

Robbie gave her a heart charm last year on her birthday, which he picked out all by himself!

My Mom gave her this little present charm on her birthday last year. 

On Friday, Rich and I gave Grandma Carla these two charms to represent the announcement of the twins! 
Happy Birthday Grandma Carla, we hope you have a very special day! We are all still sick and I'm sorry I can't make you a spaghetti dinner and coconut cake like last year. :( 

 When we all are well we will get together, coconut cake included!! :) 

I'm Going To Be A Big Brother! 

Last night we told Robbie the BIG news! We let him know that he is going to be a big brother! We told him that Jesus has blessed us with two baby brothers!! He was happy and surprised all at the same time! We keep telling him how much we will need his help once the babies arrive and that he will have to help us feed and diaper them. Last night he looked at my Mom and said; " But GiGi, I not very good at putting on biapers ( two year old translation, diapers). 

Here is a quick little video I took of him this morning talking about his two baby brothers. :) 

A Thanksgiving Treat 

I'm really trying to hold back from listening to Christmas music on the radio!!!! It's EVERYWHERE! 
I LOVE Christmas time and for some reason it feels like it can't come soon enough this year! I am still trying to fully enjoy the Thanksgiving season. Today, I thought I would share this precious turkey cookie with you all! 
Darling edible candy turkeys!  Perfect for family fun, or used as place-card holders for the big meal!  From

My little tot just loves Oreos.. It's bad, I know! No judgement please. :) Robbie has the cutest way of describing his favorite cookie ...the Oreo. About a week ago I asked him if he would like a cookie. He proudly said yes. I offered him a chocolate chip cookie and he said in a very serious little voice; "but Mommy, I want the cookies that are black and they have a little door that you open up and it have white stuff inside." Adorable...right! 

I think these little cookie/candy turkeys are an adorable place setting to let your little guests at the kid's table know you care! :) 

Double Stuff Oreo Cookies
Candy Corn
Peanut butter Cups
Chocolate frosting
Yellow Frosting
Optional: Red frosting
Optional: black sprinkles for eyes


I love hydrangeas! It is no secret... I had them everywhere at my wedding reception! Especially blue Hydrangeas! I told my Mom I wanted her to paint one for me... this is what she came-up with yesterday and I am thrilled! 
Thanks Mama! 

I am sick again today and will post my 20 week pregnancy picture tomorrow. :) 
Here are my two boys just before bedtime last night! :) 

Can't wait till I have my four guys all reading stories in bed! :) 

Happy Monday! 


  1. That oreon cookie story is too cute! It could be a commercial! ;)

    I love blue hydrangeas too! THey are so pretty! :)

  2. *whoops Sorry for all the typos. I'm still getting the hang of my tablet. ;)

  3. Hope you are feeling much better and thank you so much for remembering my bd.
    Also I love, love the little film clip of Robert. :)
