Tuesday, November 5, 2013

18 Weeks

I'm 18 Weeks !

18 weeks and just about half way through the pregnancy now!! 
Just spoke with my doctor this week and it looks like the twins will be a scheduled C-section. 
I was hoping to do a VBAC, but because there are two little babies, the VBAC risk is too great. 
 I hope to make it to 36 weeks with these little bundles, my doctor said she won't let me go past 38 weeks. I can't wait to meet these two little people! :) 

Below is a picture of me pregnant with Robbie at 18 weeks during my 
first pregnancy in December 2010.

Here I am today, 18 weeks pregnant with the twins, November 2013 ... a lot bigger than the first time around, but who cares! Happy and healthy twins, that's all I want! :) 

Pregnancy Highlights This Week 

Size of Babies: The Christensen twins are each the size of a sweet potato!
They each weigh a little over 6 oz. 

 Babies Development This Week: The babies are moving and tumbling around a lot more these days!

Maternity Clothes: ANYTHING STRETCHY that goes over the belly!! :) 

Gender: Not sure just yet! We can't wait to find out who God is blessing us with! We should know on November 12th,  just 9 more days!!!!

Movement: The twins are constantly moving, moving, moving! I fell so blessed and thank God every time I feel one of these little angels! 

Sleep:  Sleep has just in the last two days become annoying!! I just can't seem to get comfortable lately! 

What I miss: I have a major craving for a Polish Sausage sandwich!!! :) 

Cravings:  This week I'm craving salads!!!

Symptoms: I feel a fullness in my tummy in the evenings. Lots of heaviness in the uterus and lower back pain at the end of the day.

Best Moment this week: Just happy to have made it another week!!!

Counting my blessings this week!

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