I have a bit of a busy week coming up. Although, I have narrowed down and re-prioritized my commitments this year a little better, (due to the anticipation of the twins arrival),
my plate is still quite full!

Today, I am taking Robbie's picture all dressed-up in his Halloween costume and having the picture cards printed and mailed out, ( like every year). I will admit, I am about a week later on getting this done. Tonight, I have our Monthly Junior League GMM ( General Membership Meeting). Tomorrow, I have Bible Study followed by a luncheon after. Thursday and Friday are both filled with construction crews, doctor appointments and City Inspectors coming to check on the progress of our house. Saturday, we are having dinner with my best friend and her boyfriend and Sunday is a family dinner with Rich's side of the family. Whew... I am a little exhausted just typing out my weekly commitments! It may have something to do with both, being pregnant and having an adorable, busy toddler at the same time as all of this!

Between home school lessons, fixing meals and taking care of the home, life can get a little overwhelming at times. As the Mother, we are the keeper of the home. We help the home run smoothly and efficiently. We must take care of ourselves as well. I am realizing that it is important for me to make a little time for myself! Last night, I was telling my Mom that I wish I had time to sit and read a novel, like I use to, before motherhood. My Mom gave me some excellent advice, she said: " you don't have time because you don't make time. You need to be a good steward of the time the Lord has given you"! A few weeks ago, my Bible Study teacher Natalie was giving some advice to the "Mommy's of young one's" in our group. Natalie said; " We must learn to use the corners of the day". This can be applied to make time to get our Bible study time in or our reading time or perhaps, just finding time to sit and soak in a hot bath!
So this week, I am pledging to myself to get my little one off to sleep 30 minutes earlier than usual.

I am going to make a cup of tea every night!

I am heading to the store today to start this classic novel, which I have always wanted to read!
I am going to make the time to unwind each night before bed, with a cup of tea and a good book!
To the Mama who is weary and needs a little break...won't you join me?
That's all I have for today friends. Enjoy your day, make a little time for yourself and learn to use the corners of the day!

You will love the book! It is one of my favorites and there isn't a movie that could do it justice.