Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Naptime Thoughts

It's nap time and today is my first day on my own with Robbie since finding out I am pregnant with twins. It has been a whirlwind of a morning. I must say, with Rich at work all day and me here at home with a two year old, ( not to mention I'm running to the bathroom to be sick several times a day). I 'm just gonna say it ... I miss my MOM!!! :(  I miss all of your help over the last few weeks Mom!
It's September!!! My FAVORITE time of year!!
Fall is coming, it's back to school time and the leaves are falling!!

Since being back home, I did make sure we jumped right back into our routine! This week we started our new home school curriculum for Preschool age 2! I absolutely love the curriculum program I am using, of course I am also adding to the curriculum with some of my own books, worksheets and resources.

I am excited about some of the things Robbie and I will be covering this school year!
Core Academics
Support Courses
Growth & Development

This past weekend we went kitchen floor shopping for our house. We have ripped out all of the old floor and have the kitchen down to the sub floors. The house is an older 1930's home. So, throughout the entire house except for the kitchen there are beautiful oak hardwood floors which we recently had refinished.

Rich and I were originally thinking of putting tile floors in the kitchen, but then we found these beautiful dark wood floors.
White French Country Kitchen cabinets, grey granite, dark wood floor
I just love the look of white French Country kitchen cabinets with a dark wood floor!
Because I still have a few hours left before Robbie wakes up, I think I will get in a quick snooze myself!
Happy Tuesday !

1 comment:

  1. Fall is my favorite also.

    I've started doing some teaching with Declan as well. It is our first day and he is almost one, so his attention span is short. I have a lot of free play time though and I think that helps. I don't want to overwhelm him.

    He got very excited at Bible Study time today. It warmed my heart. :)

    Hope you enjoyed your nap!
