Sunday, August 18, 2013

Twin Update

"Unless we follow the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in trouble, we cannot fully respond to it's consolations because we lack equilibrium between light and darkness."  Helen Keller

*** TWIN UPDATE *** :

After a very long, nerve racking, joyful day, (last Wednesday) of finding out that we are expecting twins, my mother and I had a long discussion about surrendering ALL to God.
 You know, it really takes it out of a person's body, soul and spirit to worry.
 Because our flesh and our will is carnal, I am learning that truly nothing can be conquered by self without the Holy Spirit of God. 

I just got home from spending the entire morning at the Emergency Room because of a long night of bleeding. Now we are on round 2 in just 3 days, whew! 
We have prayed over these babies, we have dedicated them to God, I am resting, eating well, and I surrender their destinies to God's knowledge, power, and to His perfect will and purpose. 
While in a hospital bed with an I.V. for dehydration, another ultra-sound, more blood work, and yet another list/ lecture of what it is like to experience a vanishing  spontaneous miscarriage; I experienced PERFECT peace beyond human understanding. I give thanks and glory to God. It is the best, unexplained, spiritual experience I have ever had. 
God's peace brings quiet rest. Even in scary and dire situations, He already knows our outcomes and He is there for whoever asks Him to be.
My will and my dreams are clinging to the prayer that our twins will be perfectly and wonderfully made, delivered, and brought up to honor the God who honored their lives! Ultimately, we surrender to God's higher knowledge.
"All to thee, my precious Savior, I surrender all." Romans 6:13

At the end of the day, my husband was able to see our precious twins and hear their beautiful little heartbeats of 122!!! It was Rich's first time seeing his twins! The babies are absolutely fine and I was sent home on bed rest for a few days. The doctors said it was a small hemorrhage that is often quiet typical in twin pregnancies. I ask you all to please KEEP PRAYING!! 

As tradition with my pregnancy with Robbie, here is my 6th week pregnancy photo with Robbie in September of 2010 ...

And here is my 6 week 5 day pregnancy photo of me with the twins today, August 2013...


My mother's mother, (Grandma Vera) was not reared by her natural mother. We don't know much about my great-grandmother. My mom has discovered that her grandmother, Mary had married, became a nurse, had six other children from her second marriage. We have, since grandma Vera's funeral; befriended Aunt Margaret,one of my great-grandmother's six children. I telephoned this dear  Aunt Margaret this afternoon, because the E.R. Doctor has challenged me to find out who, in my mother's lineage had twins. I couldn't think of anyone at all! Well... BINGO, JACKPOT!!!!! Darling Aunt Margaret informed me that Grandma Vera's family/ maternal side is FULL of Fraternal twins!!!!
My great, great Grandmother had Fraternal twins in her late forties!!! A boy and a girl. 
Then, Grandma Mary's daughter had a child who had Fraternal twins, (both girls). 
Then, Grandma Mary's son's daughters are fraternal twin girls as well. 
Finally, one of Grandma Mary's other son's had fraternal twins also!!! 
Thus... mystery solved!!! 

Have a blessed week everyone!!!

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