Friday, May 10, 2013

Robert Is TWO!!!

Last weekend my little man turned TWO years old.... seriously, when did this happen?
Robbie, weren't we just here a minute ago?
 let's just press pause right here and have you stay this age FOREVER!!!
We didn't do a big party this year, because I wasn't actually planning on Daddy being home yet from his deployment! Instead, we had a quiet lunch, birthday cake and presents with both sets of Grandparents at Gigi's house.
Gigi made such a nice birthday for Robbie!
Robbie helped Gigi make his birthday cake and he was so PROUD of it! Robbie loves a television program called ; "Max and Ruby".... all week he talked about having a cake just like Max and Ruby!

And here is the cake!!
 Here is our little birthday boy all ready to open some presents!

 We had a challenging past year, with Daddy deployed, it was just you and me kiddo! We made it through and I enjoyed every minute with you, my wonderful son!
 Here is your second year in review sweet pea!

September : Daddy Deploys to a faraway land . . .
This picture is from our last moments with Daddy before he left on his deployment.

 There you are waving goodbye to Daddy.


 You love to play with all of your babies and pretend the box is your car.
You started using the potty!!!
You grew a vegetable garden with Mommy.
You started doing chores.
You went to your first Halloween party!
 You were a Tiger for Halloween and you went Trick-or - treating for the first time!
 We had some sick times . . .

and definitely good times!
 We marched in the town's Christmas Parade!

Merry Christmas morning!
You were my Valentine this year!
You wore your first suit on Easter Sunday!
BEST of all  . . . Daddy Came home in time to see you turn 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy birthday little one, you are our greatest blessing and we love you!
This is a first birthday picture of you blowing-out the candle on your cupcake ...

and now, your second birthday cake photo!!

  To many more blessed, happy, healthy birthdays my love!


  1. ahhh I love this little guy!!! Hope your birthday was amazing, little man!!

  2. mking the most of each dayMay 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM

    We much capture each and every moment, bcause time is soooo fleeting. Robert, darling boy, you bring endless joy to my life. I pray you have a great second year!
    With so much love, your GiGi

  3. We must capture each and every moment, because time is so fleeting. Robert, my darling boy,you bring endless joy to my life. I pray that you will have a great second year!
    With so much love, GiGi :)

  4. Wow! Time really flies! It seems like you were just sharing his first bday post.
