Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday . . .

Today is one of those non-stop, on the go, busy kind of days for me! We enjoyed Storytime this morning at the Library. Gigi joined us and Robbie was thrilled to have her there, in fact, he wanted to sit with Gigi during circle time instead of Mommy! :)

After Storytime, I stopped off at The Friends of the Monrovia Public Library used bookstore, as we often do on Tuesdays!

Today's book find treasure is a fun new book for the Harvest Season . . .

This book is filled with great recipes and crafts, a few that I just can't wait to try! I'm sure I will be sharing from this book quite often this season!

We came home from Storytime and grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. Gigi babysat Robbie for me while I ran to a quick meeting with our Mother's Group President; regarding our upcoming Harvest Party!  Right now, my little man is peacefully napping . . .

 Maverick, was given strict orders to watch over his brother while Gigi and I made a salad for lunch!

This evening was the 2012-2013 Kick-off meeting for Pasadena Junior League ! I have mentioned, that this year, I am on the Early Readers Committee to help promote reading and literacy to young children and their parents.  Our committee chose to wear our JLP signature color of Red.

Well, in looking through my closet this afternoon, I realized that I don't own anything red that isn't a sweater or some kind of warm winter clothing!

So, I had to go shopping and quick, with only one hour to spare before tonight's meeting.
For those of you who live locally in or around the city of Monrovia, I want to share this fun little boutique with you! It is called Lucy's Final Touch Trendy Boutique and it is located at 114 S. Myrtle Ave in Monrovia Ca. Nothing in the store is over $50.00. They have tons of adorable hats, dresses, tops and shoes along with beautiful accessories! :)

I found a red shirt for Junior League that was just perfect and under $14.00!! I threw on my pearls and pumps and I was ready to go!

Here is the intro video they showed at the meeting this evening, showcasing all we did this summer to get ready for a great 2012-2013 JLP year!

My committee decided to create a fun little spoof off of the Dr. Seuss Book; "One Fish, Two Fish Red Fish, Blue Fish ". We all enlarged our favorite children's books and held up the book cover on a poster board while reading the following poem, (which our group WROTE ! ) 

One book, two books, red book, blue book.
Fat book, thin book, old book, new book.
Books with trucks and books with cars
Books with places near and far
Roaring dinosaurs come by
Spaceships rocket through the sky
Books for girls and books for boys,
Reading's much more fun than toys!
Say! What a lot of books there are.
Books make children rising stars.
Join Mother's Club and JLP
Teach reading in the community

Below are some photos from our presentation.

I had a great time this evening and I anticipate another wonderful, productive year for JLP!!

Before I go . . .

...Guess who asked to use the potty and used the potty 3 times today ? ? ? ?

I am so proud of my little Robbie- Bobby!!

Happy Tuesday


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