Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday . . .

Happy Monday! Just SIX more day until Christmas!! It is 8:30 at night and I am just now sitting down to blog, it is the first time today that I have had a minute to myself. I have a hubby who is sick with the flu and a very curious little crawler(who has discovered the ornaments on the Christmas tree). :)

I spent the better part of yesterday making my weekly stock supply of homemade baby food for my little one.

These 4 apples made enough apple sauce to last Robbie for the entire week.

We tried pears this week

Butternut Squash

Yummy Bananas

Ready to bake

Blend , bag and done!!
 This brings me to my next topic, my Marvelous Monday pick of the week!!!  


I have been working on adjusting Robbie's nap schedule for the past week or so. When I was pregnant, I had heard of a product called the Itzbeen. I believe it retails for around $ 20.00. I forgot to register for it and didn't think much more about it until a few weeks ago. While browsing at Target ( A dangerous thing for me to do), I came across this handy little gadget in the clearance pile. It was on clearance for $5.00!!!! I bought it, ran home and couldn't wait to try it! It met up to everyone of my expectations!!!

So, what is the Itzbeen?? I LOVE this product. I am all about scheduling. I carry this product with us everywhere. It helps keep track of naps, feedings, diaper changes and more.

It's about time someone created a tool to help new parents remember the basic details of baby care. Well, now there is the Itzbeen!

ITZBEEN™ Baby Care Timer was developed by a new mom and dad who found themselves sleep-deprived and needing help to remember baby care details, such as when their baby last ate or napped. They tried charts and journals, but thought there had to be a better way. So, they created the ITZBEEN™: a multi-purpose nursery tool that helps new parents remember the basic details of baby care. The ITZBEEN™ has four timers that count up with the touch of a button, and a host of other helpful features, all designed with the needs of a new parent in mind.

The ITZBEEN Baby Care Timer has a host of helpful features all designed with the new parent in mind. As every new parent knows, your memory is one of the first things to go when a newborn arrives. The ITZBEEN Baby Care Timer is a multi-purpose tool that helps you remember the basic details of baby care. ITZBEEN has four timers that count up with the touch of a button…so you will always know how long it's been!

It also comes in three fabulous colors! We have the blue! ;)
My Christmas Card Door

Our family friend Ms. Liz always displays all of the Christmas cards she receives so beautifully throughout her home.
Well, today I started to put my Christmas cards up. In our kitchen/breakfast nook.
We have a family sitting area. I love this area because it is where I read to Robert in the morning when the sun is warm and bright. This area is also where I do my Bible studies and reading. I have our family rules displayed in this area along with family photos. I decided to use the door which leads into our laundry room to display my 2011 Christmas cards.

 I love that I can look at all of the cards and pictures of our family and friends while I cook, read and entertain in my kitchen!
It is so fun to add a new card each day!

Happy Monday Friends!

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