Saturday, October 29, 2011

Robert's Nursery

Hello Friends! I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday and weekend.

Today, I am posting all about our special little guy's nursery. If you have been reading my blog for sometime now, you might remember Robert's original nursery. When we first brought our little man home from the hospital, we were living in a two bedroom apartment. So, we made what we had work! We turned our walk in closet into a nursery for Robbie! It worked well and we were grateful for what we had. We knew we were blessed to have a warm and cozy home and room for our baby.

Well, we have since moved and Robbie has graduated to an actual room for his nursery. So, here is where our little prince sleeps . . .

Welcome To My Room!!!!

Here we are looking into Robbie's nursery from the hallway .

Robbie's nursery has beautiful afternoon sunshine to brighten his day

Above, is the baby dresser that my Mom and I painted. It was in my Mom's nursery when she was little, it was in my nursery and now Robbie's.

Here are the curtains my Mom made.

Here is Robert's crib. It was my crib when I was a baby. Rich's Dad, Grnadpa Ken, is in the process of making and designing a crib for Robbie. We can't wait! I painted the little name letters and strung ribbon through them.

This is my favorite spot to rock, read and nurse my baby.

The beautiful hand embroidered nursery rhyme above, was made by my Grandma Vera. It is very special to me.

Rich's Mom, Grandma Carla, made Robert the beautiful crocheted blanket.

Our dear friend Liz gave Robbie that cute little musical elephant.

We are surrounded by gifts from loved ones in this nursery! :)

This is Robbie's changing station. I will be doing a post next week about the bulletin board shown above, it's Robert's Blessing Board.

Here are all of Robbie's stuffed animal friends and books.

Thank You for visiting my room!

Tomorrow . . . our bedroom.


  1. OH my goodness! It is SO sweet!!!! Thank you for the tour!!! That is so precious!!! I completely understand about doing the best you can with what you have when they are born...we are praying for another little blessing and if the Lord blesses us with a new baby and we are still in this house...we will be getting creative ourselves! What a wonderful blessing that you were able to move to a new home and have such a lovely, inviting room for your sweet little boy!

    I love his gorgeous smile too! You can tell he loves his new room and his mommy and daddy!


    Mrs Mary Joy Pershing

  2. A bright and beautiful nursery :o) And such a cutie that's in it too :o)

    Stopping by to say hello...saw your post on my reading list "newsfeed".

    Blessings & Aloha!

  3. I left the following comment at the other blog you guest-write for:

    I appreciate your sweet words of encouragement. I'm an Army wife and we're stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. I am a former teacher (fourth grade) and now stay at home and hoemschool or oldest three sons, 10,8, & 7. The youngest, at 19 months old, keeps us entertained at all times! :)

    I look forward to reading more and will hop on over to your blog to check it out.
    ~Jennifer at

    I noticed after I pressed "submit" that I had misspelled "homeschool." AAAHHH! I was embarrassed and tried my best to correct it, but when I did, the entire comment disappeared. So, I decided to leave the same one here, but let you know that I do know how to spell, even if I still need to proof my comments BEFORE pressing "POST COMMENT!" :)
