Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Teach Me Tuesday: Making Homemade Baby Wipes

It's Tuesday class and today we are learning how to make your own homemade baby wipes! This is something that is fun, quick, easy and will save you LOTS of CASH!!! In this crazy economy who can afford to waste money on something like baby wipes. I have tried the generic brand and they just don't feel as sturdy, absorbent or soft.

I am the mama of a three month old little boy and he likes to poop!!

A LOT!!!!

Which means, we are burning through tons and tons of diapers and baby wipes every day!!!! Baby wipes can be EXPENSIVE and quite often a large 184 pack of Huggies Sensitive wipes only lasts our little guy about a week. That adds up fast at about $ 11.00 bucks a bag, that's almost an extra 44 dollars a month ( not including tax)!!!!

I can definitely find a use for an extra 44 dollars a month!!!! Can't you????

How about getting a new purse?? I know I could use one!!

Or, a pedicure with a friend???

Well, my Mom gave me this recipe for homemade baby wipes. They are sensitive, work just as well as any name brand wipes and they are CHEAP!!! Best of all they only take about 2 minutes to make!!!!

Sarah's Homemade 2,2,2 Baby Wipe Recipe:

What You Will Need :

2 tablespoons of any baby wash ( I ONLY use Johnson's Baby Wash and specifically the Johnson's bedtime baby wash with lavender scents! )

2 tablespoons of Olive Oil ( I use extra Virgin olive oil because it's what I cook with. You can also use baby oil, but I prefer to make my recipe as natural as possible!) :)

2 cups of water

1 Roll of Paper Towels
Personally, I prefer the Viva Paper towels by Kleenex. They are strong and soft like cloth. These paper towels are about 2 bucks per role and each role contains around 50 large paper towels. Cut each paper towel in half that's 100 baby wipes for just two dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a savings!!!!!

Finally, I use an old baby wipe container to store them in. I have plenty of them lying around the house!

What You Do ...

First, cut all of the paper towels in half.

Now , fold and set paper towels into the baby wipe container.

Last, pour the 2,2,2 mixture you made earlier over the wipes into the container and your done! You've got homemade baby wipes my friend!!!

Note: some people might prefer to put the 2,2,2 mixture into a spray bottle and mist the paper towels before each use.

Enjoy and happy diaper changing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh!!!! While we're on the subject of babies!!! My little guy is constantly sucking, chewing or putting something in his mouth!!! Especially his blankets! Well, over the weekend my sweet and talented Mama came up with a little Robert size cloth and silk blankie for Robert to chew on until his little heart is content. The silk is soft and cool. Robert loves the feeling against his little gums. We call it his "silky" My Mom will be taking orders and selling them on her Etsy store soon for 5 dollars each. We call them Simply Silkies!!!

As you can see, I can't get Robert away from his silky!!!!!!! Thanks Grandma Robbie!



  1. Thank you for the wipes recipe! I am going to try it with my cloth wipes. You should totally do a link up...i'd post a tutorial on how to make homemade wipes to go with your homemade wipes solution!

  2. What an adorable little man! Love the cool sunglasses! I've been wanting to make my own wipes for a while...no I have no more excuses!

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. Thank you Elizabeth!I would LOVE to learn how to mkae your cloth wipes!!! Please link-up this week and show me how!

    Thank you for your kind words! I LOVE your blog!!!

  4. Love this idea! I don't have any little guys around the house but, whenever I do I'm making my own wipes, for sure! I'm featuring you today at Don't Waste your Homemaking, feel free to grab a featured button. Oh, and your little guy is growing so quickily :)!

  5. This is indeed a great idea! 100 wipes at $2 puts you at about $.02 a wipe! You can find deals similar to this on Amazon.com (I am currently buying 648 Huggies Fragrance Free Natural Care wipes for $15.03 with free shipping. It works out to about $.02 a wipe as well. I'm sure this deal won't be around forever, and then I will use this tutorial to make my own!
