Friday, August 12, 2011

Fruitful Friday: Count Your Blessings

It's Fruitful Friday and today I'm counting my blessings instead of my worries!!
Have you ever watched the movie White Christmas? It's a classic for sure! In one particular scene from the movie, Bing Crosby sings a song called "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep".

I went over to my parent's house today for a visit. It was just about Robbie's nap time and my Mom (Grandma Robbie) offered to put baby Robbie down for his afternoon nap. I welcomed the opportunity and sat down to eat my lunch.

When I finished my lunch, I peeked in the guestroom and heard my Mom singing this song to Robbie! Pause my music feed at the bottom of the page, press play on the video below, and you will be able to listen to the song.

The line in the song, "when you're worried and you can't sleep, count your blessings instead of sheep" really got me thinking about blessings and worries. Two very simple concepts and yet, I make them so complicated in my life sometimes.

Everyday we have a choice to focus on all of the concerns and things that are wrong in our life, such as; family problems, marital issues, financial burdens, work problems the list goes on and on.

On the other hand, we can choose to focus on all that is right with our life and all of the blessings the Lord has put into our life! Choosing to focus on our blessings over our concerns is a small
change that has a big affect in our life!

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25-34 specifically to NOT WORRY!!! I love verse 34 and I find it so comforting when I am anxious.

"who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

Matthew 6:27

Today, I am focusing on my blessings; I'm alive, I have a beautiful husband, son and family, I have a cozy home, I have food, I have clothing, I have my health .

What blessings are you counting today??? Happy Friday!!!



1 comment:

  1. Beautiful song.. we have it on a Christmas CD that we play year after year. Beautiful sentiment too! That particular verse in Matthew is one of my favourites too. A heart full of gratitude cant leave any room for discontent.

    God bless and have a lovely weekend.
